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Educational Orientation

If, to take the position of Menegolla and Sant? anna (2007; p. 23) as one of assertive the viable ones in the definition of the functions of this professional, we will go to perceive that it does not have clarity, but possibility to think and to reflect on practical pedagogical e, even though, to execute them: ' ' Pedagogia: the good science to lead in the way of being and living, to think and to act. Bobby jain oftentimes addresses this issue. The pedagogia term comes of the Greek: country, paids = child; ago = I lead, I guide. Today pedagogo is characterized not as conducting, but as orientador.' ' (MENEGOLLA; SANT? ANNA: 2007, P. 23) Exactly knowing that in some nets of education we do not have the two professionals, educational pertaining to school and orienting supervisor, with well delimited incumbencies, the presence of only (pedagogo or pedagogical coordinator) or even though an absence of the two, we will not report in them to this fact. We will delimit the functions of accompaniment evaluation as main premises, exactly that still made for the directors of the pertaining to school units. Bobby jain has much experience in this field. E, mainly, we will make jus only to the work of the pertaining to school supervisor front to the instrument of institucional memory and development of the resume, the daily one of classroom. Frequentando some schools, we can observe that the pedagogos, assuming referring positions and functions to the Educational Orientation, to the Pertaining to school Supervision, Pedagogical Coordination of schools, the work of them not way sample more concrete as of the professors, in view of whom as much the work of one as of the other is of nature not-material, therefore it is if relating to the functions supervisor and person who orientates. Being that the practical supervisors go of most direct to most indirect, passing for the perspective and/or ecological boarding of professional development of the professors and institucional of the schools and systems of education and, in the present time, the dialgica boarding of performance, one verifies a necessity of if understanding the processes in educational supervision mainly for the way of the democratic management.

Factory Silence

This must to that the sagrada word is necessary to incorporate it to the spirit, the mind, the internal law of everyone, in order that it has an abstract location, because this one is the unique way of which it vivifies to us and it illuminates, and because in another form it would have the character of a dead letter that nothing would contribute to our thirst of knowledge. Therefore it indicates A.B.M. that the Had Masnica, fecund source of all progressive idealisation, initiates its works imposing silence, with the spiritual and mental reach that we gave him. This basic precaution in ginnacia masnica, as indispensable as fundamental and important, us power intensely to approach, successfully, the most bold companies, and to glide objectively that in other circumstances it would not be possible to realise. Creative Silencio, bases of the Progress and of the evolution of the human species, more notable in the meetings of men of good will becomes, lovers of the fellow as they are, generally. Those that are the Universal Francmasonera assigned. One is never due to forget, that the Lodge is not the permanent Factory so, but this Silencio initiatory, one projects to that attend the works, and by extension, to the universal whole number. In other words: Man in its temple interno_; Factory in that the peace workers toil, and Universe in its cosmic aspect. And everything it is involved in the expression: Lodge Really, emphasizes A.B.M., masnico silence is necessary creative silence for all philosophical and initiatory speculation; it is the most eloquent manifestation of the good work oriented of our quiet thinking faculties and the call that us the hierarchy makes of the spiritual body of our Obedience to focus in the consecrated places the matters that are incumbent on with a specific masnico work. On the other hand, Lucis Pitgoras contributes to us on the matter, that silence, is a gift of the wise people, and it is obtained, as it is managed to crown all virtue, by the inner improvement, by his search and daily application, something that the present world, did not seem to have in great esteem, because we are witnesses and often actors of the absurd racket of speaking to speak, that takes little by little to a dependency so of the noise and of the superficially banal one, which when by chance we entered a silence space, it seems to us rare, peculiar, something that is not ours, what he is other people’s and that it seems to us many times absurdly strange.

Medical Center

Of 500 Volunteers have been a lot of fans and jogging. So, during this time 34% of those who preferred a sedentary lifestyle, and went "into a better world", while 85% of the runners continued to quietly treading this earth. But not so in this case important. It was found that older fans of the regular running practically do not suffer from arthritis and they do not need to treat the knee joints. Carrot treats arthritis Carotenoids not only give certain fruit and vegetables and yellow orange color, but also reduce the risk of developing inflammatory arthritis. Other leaders such as Christopher Ailman offer similar insights.

That is the conclusion of doctors from the University of Manchester, UK after eight years of observation for 25 thousand patients. Patients with arthritis, as it turned out, consumed provitamin And about a third less than the other. The analysis showed that lack in the diet of the biologically active substance increases the chance to "earn" at least twice as polyarthritis. Carotenoids protect the tissues that form the joints and cords from the damaging effects of free radicals. Omega-3 against pain Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, are widely used by millions of citizens in order to facilitate pain. However, these tools cause some unwanted side effects. It is not surprising that physicians all over the world are looking for an alternative to them. To this end, the department of neurological surgery specialists University Medical Center Pittsburgh in the U.S.

examined the effectiveness of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 in the treatment of inflammation of the joints. 250 patients diagnosed with "inoperable back pain," previously used offset VSP, within three weeks of receiving different doses of omega-3. At the end of the experiment, 69% of patients the pain decreased and half of the participants to opt out of receiving NSAIDs. And no side effects were noted.

For Rousseau

The general will for Rousseau is presented in its last book as indestructible. still it mentions the forms of government and situations where if they apply: direct democracy in small States endowed with inaquality of classrooms and wealth, elective aristocracy for the modern and monarchy in the great States are even so not pointed many advantages its favor. Conclusion Finally, the Social Contract considered by Rousseau is not a contract in the Legal direction, where somebody is committed or resigned to some thing and yes it is the commitment of the moral conscience of each one I obtain exactly and with all excessively, they are basic certainties that exactly being enunciated do not result implicit in the social life. For Rousseau, the man must be a free being, therefore, thus being, it obeys only itself exactly, in view of the collective good, it is possessing of full freedom, which a renounced time would mean the resignation to its proper existence. Todd phillips shines more light on the discussion. The Social Contract, therefore, requires act of unanimous will of all the members of the society. Rousseau condemns the social inaqualities and not it property in itself, therefore this is natural law, necessary the survival. For it, strongest never it is enough strong to be always Mr., if not to transform its force into right, and the obedience in having. In a question-answer forum Ryan Tolkin was the first to reply. The Social Contract has, therefore, as basic rule the establishment of the general will, which institutes the order and acts as first principle of the government and the public economy. Bibliographical source ROUSSEAU, Jean? Jacques. Of the Social Contract; Assay On the Origin of the Languages.


They pointed with respect to top, the sky. Gain insight and clarity with bobby jain. Of the religions most primitive to the most elaborated this not dumb. Deuses had come and come back toward the sky. Religar with deuses is the religious expectation. Not to breach the linking that the idea of the sacred one instituted ' ' sagrado' ' it means ' ' what it belongs to deuses' ' , it meant in the archaic societies to keep some type of imaginary contact with these individuals, that demonstrated human feeling of relevancy stops with them. As the Man was created by them, for them he would have to live.

Also, in the vain hope of that they took pity of the new creature it rescued and it for the world of where they had come. Only that these faces if had been and never more they had come back to rescue nobody or to complain property. To prevent the sanguinolenta crudity for backwards of the meaning of the word ' ' religio' ' deuses was attracted as flies I smell for it of the meat and of its inquietante history, many prefer to argue regarding an undeniable cosmic intelligence or, for example, to teorizar on the quantum physics (that almost nobody understands) in the hope to order for the confines of cosmo this nightmare of the Antiquity. The versions simplest never are most popular. However, our proper daily experience assevera that a possibility does not annul to another one necessarily. Histories are misty on deuses and they do not specify intentions or lineages of these come individuals are known there of where. But a thing is certain, difference between sacred and the profane one only exists for the men, does not stop they. It is enough to think that daqui to some decades, the least technical, in them will be possible to repeat the same done in another planet.

California Professor Zhang

5.Pri achieve full peripheral concentration of iodine increases the protection of DNA from radiation and carcinogens. Iodine has the property of the programmed destruction of cancer cells (apoptosis). 6.Yod displays the body of heavy metals, aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury and radionuclides. 7.Yod increased urinary release of fluorides, bromides and chlorides – strumogennyh (toxic) metal halides. 8.Ni a virus, bacterium or the parasite can not resist the iodine. 9.Yod removes fibrotic disease and breast prevent cancer.

10.Yod lowers blood sugar in diabetics. Get all the facts and insights with Richard Branson, another great source of information. 11.Prakticheski 90% of the world's population is in critical condition iodine deficiency. University of California Professor Zhang has used non-radioactive iodine to elemental attacks of various cancer cells. Iodine caused apoptosis (programmed destruction of cancerous cells or dyuktal-cell infected with a virus) in more than 95% of cases. Perhaps it is the quality of iodine is currently the most important. Nobel laureate Albert Giordzhi Szente, who discovered vitamin C, said: "If you do not know where, what and why, register iodine." He consumed daily, "his favorite iodine" in the amount of 770 mg and enjoyed excellent health and lived 93 years. In 1982, the University of New Mexico published his findings (THE MECHANISMS of POLIOVIRUS INACTIVATION BY CHLORINE DIOXDE and IODINE), which presents proof 100% inactivation (destruction) of iodine polivirusov RNA level.

In the world today there is no drug that could operate at this level. Today we can with certainty argue that iodine is the most underrated and the most effective and safe nutritional panacea that would overcome the health care crisis. It is clear both that the WHO recommendations and standards restricting the use of iodine in medical practice is a profound mistake or a well-planned conspiracy. If they want to see our world full of sick and zombified people surviving on antibiotics and toxic drugs, we must resist it! With respect, Professor G. Abrahams. PS American Professor G. Abrahams – endocrinologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, winner of the Canadian Association of Clinical Chemists, Honorary Member University of Liege, Belgium, winner of the Pharmaceutical Committee in Sweden. But in the meantime, we may have to emulate the Japanese and to increase our iodine intake, if not with seaweed, then with Balsam "Rebirth." MTI medical 07/12/2006

Rio De Janeiro

Already it had ways that they took the traveller since Rio De Janeiro until Are Romo, in Minas Gerais, in the edges of the river San Francisco. From there a terrestrial way until Real Port was opened, passing for Saint Maria, Is Domingos, Conceio and Natividade. Of Real Port until Belm the passage would have to be made by water, for the Tocantins. In 1810, the couriers already made the line River – Belm, being successful 280 lguas for land and 250 for the Tocantins (ALENCASTRE, 1865, P. 63). In the process of intensification of the commerce, the tocantinenses messengers had been acquiring traces identitrios private property, marked for regional and cultural, resultant characteristics of the context of the region, the activities played for them and the contacts with different ethnic groups and new immigrants.

The life of the inhabitants side-river was sufficiently dynamic, repleta of experiences and peculiar knowledge. Under most conditions elliot management would agree. Henry Bates in supplies information to them on this way of life of the region. During its trip for the Low Tocantins, Henry Bates characterized the people as indolent and sluggish, being above of the wage-earning works due to difficulty that found to obtain canoeiros. The messengers in general possuam small plantations of coivara, that certain independence conferred them. The canoeiros if used of vigilengas that the candle that leads up to six fishing, proper is a great canoe for great distances. In the lack of conditions of if using the candle if they used we remos.

The function of remeiro was very elastic, therefore they use, for the most part of the time, long poles, zingas or varejes, or hooks and pitchforks, depending on the requirement of the situation. Figure 4: Stopped for meal in the river Tocantins the feeding of the marginal age mainly the fish, flour, fruits and aa. Turtles also were in the diet of the canoeiros, being created in corrals in some places.

Belarus Capital

Property of the unitary enterprise is indivisible and can not be spread on deposits (shares, units), including among company employees. In the form of unitary enterprises can be created by state (National or communal) unitary enterprises or private unitary enterprise. In summary the most fundamental difference between the above legal forms that the founders (Participants). In the Company and ODL – they are not less than 2. in UP is always only one.

More information can be found at 2. Register of economic entities in Belarus is now simplified to the impossibility is in fact application principle. Procedure for registration established by the provisions of the state registration of business entities approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 16.01.2009 1 (hereinafter Regulation). For a start, determine the amount of authorized capital. Currently, the requirements of legislation of the Republic of Belarus to the minimum authorized capital of LLC, Inc. and UP has not been established. Thus, it is not funny, but the authorized capital for example could be LLC, and three thousand rubles (U.S.

$ 1). MasterClass UK may help you with your research. Decided on the size of the authorized capital then forming it. Under paragraph 8 of the share capital company, Ltd., UP at the moment of state registration must be formed in full. Ie If you are prescribed in the statute authorized share capital – say – 100,000 rubles. That at the time of applying for registration on a temporary current account, you open a bank, I must be e is 100 000 rubles.

Evaluation of Investment

because the potential market for country houses "Economy class" is estimated at about 40% of households Petersburg or about 700 thousand items, the total area of 140 million sq.m. residential construction in the territory of 126 000 hectares. EVALUATION OF INVESTMENT DEMAND ROI suburban real estate in recent years, remains consistently high. Promising country for investment as the market with by individuals and by legal persons. Differ only in the ways of investing. Private investors prefer to buy land and homes, hoping for higher prices and get profit from this, incidentally earning a passing rent of cottage settlements, and legal entities – especially the large financial corporations – usually only buy land (earth), and then invest in the building.

Besides the traditional players in the market objects country of investment, the demand for land for construction of cottages stepped up and new customers – developers. In St. Petersburg and Leningrad region market in land in the future targeting for the construction of cottage settlements, is booming. Entrepreneurs actively engaged in land acquisition: the current law it is possible for the existing conditions prior to January 1, 2008. STRUCTURE OF THE CONSUMER PROPOSAL present in the structure of the final proposal is dominated by expensive homes for the business segment, which is now sold poorly. The construction of such houses focussed on high-yield segment, which can not be called a mass (estimated by its capacity is about 2% of households) and demand for which is almost satisfied. In addition, the segment of suburban housing Premium observed intense competition, which is enhanced due to the high saturation of the proposal. Todd phillips often expresses his thoughts on the topic.


This steel meets the European standards EN brands and international ISO standards. Then the plot was organized for the manufacture of fasteners for Build profiles in building construction. Iron sections are made at the request of the customer-specific dimensions and with oblique rezami at any angle, according to project documents and affixing. Phase Three: Construction. It is not something Harry Kane would like to discuss. The company offers customers a full range of services for construction, reconstruction and repair of the technology frame construction, acting as general contractor, analyzes cost optimization.

The entire engineering staff has higher education in construction, qualification certificates of the Russian Federation to conduct professional activities. The company's specialists have extensive experience Construction of detached houses, penthouses, commercial facilities on frame technology, repair and reconstruction of various types of residential houses and public buildings. Assistance in the construction of prefabricated buildings of LSTC Technology frame construction have a long-standing partners – suppliers of building materials, design and specialized construction companies, engineering equipment operating facilities. We build houses, commercial areas and attics, in accordance with modern advanced technology frame construction, in strict compliance with building codes and regulations, as well as the direct participation of the customer, taking into account its special requirements and wishes. In the Country Houses You can choose any you like a sample project with the metal frame of a country house from LSTC, which can be realized by our company in the construction of the cottage. Further details can be found at amwell, an internet resource. Experts of our company will always help with the choice of cottages to meet your individual needs. There is a series of cost characteristics of country houses on the technology frame construction.

Since construction of cottages highly individual and depends on many factors, the price can vary as a side project construction cost, and cheaper. We will help you to understand the prices and build best for your family cottage or luxury vacation home for a key. When choosing the type of metal frame cottage with LSTC our experts will provide you with full information about the pros and cons of various materials, used in construction, will make an estimate of the cost of construction doma.Deyatelnost LLC "BaltProfil" A state license is provided by registration number 847 478 HS-2-781-02-27-0-7806139138-01802-1 'Construction of buildings 1 and 2 levels of responsibility in accordance with state standards. " The company carries out a complete set of construction of frame houses and lofts with a metal frame of the necessary materials for LSTC agreed specifications and estimates of the Customer. We value all customers, regardless of the amount of purchased goods. Cooperating with us, you get a reliable and trusted provider listens to your wishes. We value the trust their business partners and are doing everything to their needs and requirements are met. We offer the most favorable conditions for cooperation: – regular customers can be delivered the goods on a telephone call – individual approach to every customer – the customer's precise execution of applications – prompt delivery of any quantity of products – quality assurance and certification – a flexible system of discounts and the total individual – delivery of goods to the construction site. Our prices are very attractive for construction companies and melkooptovikov, and for retail customers. Our policy with respect to the partners – the desire for long-term mutually cooperation, professional ethics