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Rio De Janeiro

Already it had ways that they took the traveller since Rio De Janeiro until Are Romo, in Minas Gerais, in the edges of the river San Francisco. From there a terrestrial way until Real Port was opened, passing for Saint Maria, Is Domingos, Conceio and Natividade. Of Real Port until Belm the passage would have to be made by water, for the Tocantins. In 1810, the couriers already made the line River – Belm, being successful 280 lguas for land and 250 for the Tocantins (ALENCASTRE, 1865, P. 63). In the process of intensification of the commerce, the tocantinenses messengers had been acquiring traces identitrios private property, marked for regional and cultural, resultant characteristics of the context of the region, the activities played for them and the contacts with different ethnic groups and new immigrants.

The life of the inhabitants side-river was sufficiently dynamic, repleta of experiences and peculiar knowledge. Under most conditions elliot management would agree. Henry Bates in supplies information to them on this way of life of the region. During its trip for the Low Tocantins, Henry Bates characterized the people as indolent and sluggish, being above of the wage-earning works due to difficulty that found to obtain canoeiros. The messengers in general possuam small plantations of coivara, that certain independence conferred them. The canoeiros if used of vigilengas that the candle that leads up to six fishing, proper is a great canoe for great distances. In the lack of conditions of if using the candle if they used we remos.

The function of remeiro was very elastic, therefore they use, for the most part of the time, long poles, zingas or varejes, or hooks and pitchforks, depending on the requirement of the situation. Figure 4: Stopped for meal in the river Tocantins the feeding of the marginal age mainly the fish, flour, fruits and aa. Turtles also were in the diet of the canoeiros, being created in corrals in some places.