Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

General Manager

A colleague in human resources was applying for a post of Chief of staff in a company of the foundry industry. Be interviewed with the Manager of human resources (so presented it) which you refused knowledge of indicators of management, competency management, monthly submission of reports to management and on strategies for the improvement of the motivation of the staff as ask him to get you up and dancing to make rain. The truth was the following: 1.-such human resources manager, was actually the Chief of administration and finance, was present as well (after said you) to give a better image before the applicants. An exaggeration or mentirilla blanca.2-management indicators. The truth is that my friend to assume the position and during the short time that was, not apply any indicator development, nothing more not yet existed any previous indicator.

Neither the wise General Manager in consisted and least heads of other areas (squares to my) 3.-competency management: what discovered my friend It was that the term competence is known in that organization as a synonym for rivalry between various areas (do to managed ever rivalries?)4 Monthly report to management: except content report and the amounts of the monthly return (payments to staff), will not ask more staff reportes.5-Motivaciob: was ridiculous to apply some mechanisms that excited staff, therefore own heads of various areas (including the General Manager), not believed in candy for the soul. The only way that people do things is by pressing with the sanction or say goodbye to them. You could say, this is not common, it does not happen frequently. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Daniel J. Hirsch. Well I can tell you that in the labour market there is a category of companies that span from the: a.-which are considered good places to work b.-considered that comply with standards by obligation c.-that meet your personal, by legal sanctions already WINS d-which is worse .

Cesar Sena Management

In this point I detach what Cesar Sena is confirmed by Denilson, in its article – the transformations of the work and challenges theoretician-metodolgicos of the ergonomics in the improvement of the quality of life in which speaks that if it cannot deny the existence of a process of regulation of a new situation that exceeds the simple relation man/machine, for a picture of dialogue between man/man for intermediary of a technological device. The natural development of the market competition is essential the survival of the institutions, since the internal strategical measures until flexibility in the taking of decisions. I detach that the essence of these decisions is in the parametrizao of the accompaniment of the evolution of the chain of costs, point that this article tries to awake, to> to delineate the first steps so that the management of costs if integrates definitively to the internal management of a company. I detach, still, that the qualification of the knowledge of the terminologies is prerequisite techniques and its unfoldings in the instant where is irreversible the correct use of methods and models of verification of more necessary costs during the manufacture process. That is, thinking and the wakening of the importance of the research as decisive factor for implantation of an operational model of the cycle of costs about the search of the quality is with certainty the consequence of an efficient managemental control and a good planning when executed by companies enabled of the highest degree of knowledge of the evolutions of all the production phases, in special, of the knowledge of the systems of cost management and of the processes of management intern when focados on mooring that the market competition makes to establish. Thus, it is for the improvement and the constant use of methods that if arrive at one formal system that makes the difference in relation to those simply based in informal systems e, however, without relevance in research gone deep as decisive factor that assures one better performance in the choices and the taking of decisions..

Application Management

Referring to the last entry I’ve put on productivity improvement, one person made a comment group Linkdin of quality in the software and information systems. Javier Garzas commented: it would also be comentable and piece key to improve the process of building software (which as a result can have the effects you mention). If we achieve a better process method of allowing in addition to reducing future maintenance costs and problems do double the work with the same effort, productivity is clear. I wanted to mention the comment of Javier Garzas, since it places emphasis on a fundamental point, and is that in the improvement of the software development process is the origin of the problems and the biggest headaches. Productivity improvement activities, as I mentioned in my entry, will be meaningless if they are guided by a strategy of improving the process of development.

I will explain. In my professional work work squarely in the world of Outsourcing of software development (we call Application Management), and these last years we have had the great fortune of working with large customers in strengthening processes of development of Outsourcing contracts. This coupled with the strategy that we have in CMMi, which for us is a fundamental tool, and serves as a roadmap for the improvement of the development process. This experience has led us, that when an organization asks us for help to start a process of transformation, for example, how to change Time & Material Outsourcing model to a managed model, how to make effective use of a factory of software etc always start with a diagnosis of the development process and evaluate the State of maturity of their processes in the organization. This allows us to know the customer’s organization and gives us visibility on what needs to be done to achieve the transformation that the customer asks us.


People with high levels of personal domain do not pose is to deliberately integrate reason with intuition; comes out spontaneously, it is a result of their determination to use all available resources: can’t afford to choose between reason and intuition, between head and heart in the same way that would not choose never walk alone with one leg or only see with one eye. Peter Senge abstract it says genuine mystical entrepreneurs living life from a spiritual basis. Unfortunately in the West is not taken very seriously. However, I consider to be supported in that which is transcendental as it is spiritual, allows us to pass on this illusory dimension with more strength and more conviction to carry out the mission which it has bequeathed us, of the why we are in this physical manifestation. Pacific Mortgage Services has plenty of information regarding this issue. Hendricks and Ludeman (The Corporate Mystic) distinguish us, that genuine entrepreneurs, whether they do business make it to enrich your heart and your soul, in addition to its Pocket.

Since then, they make use of their intuition, that which has bequeathed to us and is with us until the time of leaving this plane. The aim of this article is to analyze the relevance of using intuition and help in all those actions which we develop ourselves, not to neglect it and exploit it while we stay here. Therefore, the Manager can benefit with it, as a businessman points out: if I spend 20 minutes a day simply to think, the day goes as a silk. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Kenneth Feinberg. If I am so busy that I forget my twenty magical minutes, things just do not leave me well. I’ve learned to capture how much I’m decentered; at this time I have to go to my Office, shut the door and looking out the window a while. Connect me with intuition considerations, General all sometime we have identified with intuition, with that invisible source that dwells in us and that somehow helps us to deal with situations, to suggest those actions that we do, that will not be lost never until we physically disappear from this dimension.

Venezuelan University Management

Please note that great reliance on the State as an articulator of educational policies were made by Finland, Korea, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland and Australia, among others, are ranked among the best. Students from these countries can analyze data, evaluate points of view and communicate arguments with precision. The loss is doubly: the best graduates will go to the developed countries that offer them opportunities. Getting talent is an obsession with world cognoscente myopia is knowing that there are ways to better educate and continue with the same. The pedagogical experience should convey the pleasure of learning and new technologies help to overcome frankly models and spur self-awareness. To broaden your perception, visit Daniel J. Hirsch. Adds Horacio Krell in relation of the need for changes, deemed that educate goes beyond teaching. It is developing skills and attitudes which link to the student with the world. The problem is that it can’t use his brain because he doesn’t know how it works.

You must approach the know-how of high performance. Ignore the cause of problems tends to be its cause. To optimize brain hardware should match it with the best software which is the intellectual methodology and articulate the education system since the child was born until he dies, because the child is the father of the man. For this purpose should harmonize individual intelligence with institutional intelligence. As Nietzsche said, the methods are the greatest wealth of man. The new committed authorities in rescuing the Venezuelan University of space where is, forget, as rebelion.org CITES him should not. the University has a place in the city. Represents, undoubtedly, one of the pieces of the contemporary society, is composed one of the necessary ingredients to compose the kind of citizenship that Western civilization is committed politically, primarily in the context of what might be called the project of the Enlightenment, aspect that has been much neglected in the national universities. (A valuable related resource: Mike Madden PostEverything).

In College, he speaks; but it also speaks from party to party in the city, every corner social. The fact that the parts that make up a society come to agreements, commitments or contracts through the word is what makes up that space that we call city, a framework, in short, to what we call citizenship. Now, the specificity of the University talk is that he is interested in and oriented to achieve an effect that we call truth. The University is the seat of knowledge, and knowledge is not but that ability that has the word to establish a contract or a commitment to the truth and not just with men, with the others men. They urge radical changes in Venezuelan University Management, rescue the academic excellence, give way to research to have more presence the University on national problems and propose solutions that favors to the country. You should not take root in a traditionalism in where the individual interest of the power groups predominates over the University community, in the country. Venezuela needs a new vision, the University’s commitment, more in a turbulent scenario, changes in where their presence is crucial. Hopefully that is passing to a new generation of authorities able to generate changes badly needed to rescue the University of passive where is, otherwise the consequences, results are very grim for higher education.

Managing General Partner

Madrid 27/07/09. What Christopher Columbus. So is being felt mundoFranquicia Consulting after initialed four agreements of collaboration with Latin American consulting firms who will be responsible to hand carried the Spanish franchises eager to open market to the other side of the Atlantic. A synergy of forces which according to Mariano Alonso, Managing General Partner of mundoFranquicia Consulting, will strengthen our position in Latin America as consultants. A geographic area that we believe has lot of projection for the Spanish flags and where they have much to say. And it is mundoFranquicia Consulting was clear to stand out there and open field to the flags made in Spain who want to operate in this geographical area needed the cooperation of other alter ego. And who better represented and were adapted to our work philosophy as specialized consultants in franchise are NetplN in Brazil, Frankata in Mexico, Front Consulting in Venezuela and Expansion business in Colombia. No one better that they know local needs and circumstances requiring the Spanish franchises who want to be there need to go in the correct step of its expansion, explains Alberto Munoz, consultant responsible for such alliances and partner of mundoFranquicia in Madrid.

This way for mundoFranquicia Consulting these consultancies will be your eyes to the other side of the pond. NetplN, Frankata, Front Consulting and Business Expansion in Colombia will adapt their work to the different needs of each one of the Spanish franchises. A job that even if carried out in situ, will always be supervised from Madrid, added Munoz. In addition these partners will contact Spanish companies with local entrepreneurs really trained to cope with major projects will do everything necessary to develop its international expansion with guarantees not only in these four countries, but also and in particular through Front Consulting in the Republic Dominicana, Ecuador, Chile and Central America since this partner also works there, emphasises the steering.

Manage Anger

Anger management: do you sometimes we get angry more than necessary? Once that happens something that upset you much, and once you passed the anger you feel bad for having reacted so happened? We all get angry. Anger is normal and is a knee-jerk response to something that is threatening to us. Understand this is very important, since many times we feel bad about ourselves after an angry and tell us things as I should not upset me, as if that were possible! The truth is that we never decided to get us angry. Anger happens to us automatically. Daniel J. Hirsch is likely to increase your knowledge. When we realize it is because it is already anger in us. Anger problem is not anger itself, but when the anger is too large and does not allow us to make right decisions and act with common sense. When we get angry too take a stance of battle against what is attacking us, and our perception of the situation becomes totally oriented toward our need and desire to win that battle, which is not generally recommended either for relations with others, either for our health.

We can decide not to upset us, but if we can decide two very important things: 1. what to do with our anger. Once you sign tells that there is anger in you, we recommend handling it follows: 1. If the anger isn’t very big, but the situation can do to continue to grow (for example, if you are arguing with your partner and feel that increasingly you more angry), is recommended to stay away physically from the situation if possible, to avoid the anger scale. Once you calmes you it will be easier to face the situation again.


Production Company

1C: Enterprise 8.0. Stage of development of the Company and the choices of software (SW) FIRM – Trading (including the sale of services) Company – Production Company – Narrow. (Insurance activities, an advertising agency, etc.) A brief comparison of the platform 7.7. and 8.0. Conditions necessary, upgrade existing software Economic feasibility of implementing an information system 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPANY The first is with What we recommend you start – to formalize (to register) – the following parameters: Given the structure of the company. Fairstead Newport Rhode Island describes an additional similar source. Type of activity (trade, production, etc.) The list of automated units of the Company.

The presence of distant jobs outside the LAN. The list of tasks to be automated number of jobs and amount of documents Scope (fiscal and / or management accounting) Skills of personnel each, or in combination all of the above questions are crucial and, depending on your answers, the solution will be one or the other software. In principle, this information is enough to generate an initial Request for Software 1C, and on the basis of proposals received, to choose the best option for you. If you decide to start with, yet alone deal with the task, then the next step, we short (which would have an idea), we consider on the market, to date, software products based on "1C: Enterprise 7.7. and 8.0.. If you would like to know more then you should visit Kenneth Feinberg. " 2. CLASSIFICATION OF BASIC VERSION 1C: Enterprise 1C: Enterprise 7.7 .- The system of programs allows you to perform various tasks of accounting and management in enterprises, regardless of the profile of trade and warehouse program is designed to accommodate all types of commercial operations and can perform all the functions of accounting, Accounting – universal solution for automation of massive accounting in enterprises' salaries and personnel – is a component of the 'calculation' with the standard configuration for the payroll and personnel records-PUB – The configuration of "Production + Services + Accounts" system "1C: Enterprise 7.7" is a typical solution for the automation of small and medium enterprises, whose main activities is the production of products, services, and wholesale trade.