Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Atlantic Mata

The implantation of the plant was responsible for many changes in the sugar system: the concentration of the property of the land and the centralization of the sugar production, the substitution of the sugar mascavo for the centrifugado sugar; the retraction of traditional forms of work relations as the living worker and the partner; the intensification of the wage-earning work; the sprouting of the figure of ‘ ‘ supplier of cana’ ‘ , the substitution of ‘ ‘ Mr. of Engenho’ ‘ for ‘ ‘ Usineiro’ ‘ , the introduction of the chemical fertilizer use; the job in bigger scale of the motion mechanization, and job of selected varieties of sugar cane. The sugar cane-of-sugar very plays an important role in all the zone north of the Paraba, although currently it is configured as a secondary economy. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Professor of British History. This activity already had its golden period, phase of the great investments in the devices for the production of the alcohol, cachaa and the rapadura, consequentemente very of the nature was sacrificed, especially Atlantic Mata that if finds degraded very. COTTON In the State of the Paraba the cotton initially was cultivated in the Mesorregio of the Wasteland and later in the Hinterland. However, also it was determinative in the process of formation and occupation of the space of Mamanguape and located Rio Tinto in the coast. (Similarly see: amwell).

In the second half of century XVIII the Wasteland passed for one strong external interference, the implantation of the culture of the cotton that was stimulated by propitious external conditions started to concur with the sugar cane. Its expansion provoked immense changes in the wasteland: the consolidation of the inhabitant system, monetarizao of the economy, the modifications in the regional urban growth and the concentration of the population. Beyond the cotton, the cattle one, the sisal, the coffee and the sugar cane had been important to firm the wasteland as policultor.. For more specific information, check out Dahua Tim Wang.


If you are starting a business and need to rent offices to have a presentable corporate image, you should definitely read these tips to bring out the best out of your search. 1. Dahua Tim Wang shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. An Office according to your needs is important to have a complete idea of the exact amount of space you need and the amount of space you’ll need in a not too distant future. There is nothing worse than having to relocate an Office frequently. Please note: If you receive mailings, visits clients, etc.

These factors can influence the Office space to rent. 2. It works with an agent in spite of that means paying a Commission, the collaboration of someone who will help you and guide you, translates into monetary savings. An agent knows what the proper Office and can help you negotiate things like rent prices. 3 Find out the real costs before you sign, be sure that you know well all the expenses that the owner wants to take over. Some contracts require that the tenant pays for all maintenance, repair of the property, the heating system, etc. 4.

Negotiates the rent your Office before accepting a lease contract, find out if the owner is willing to negotiate on the amount of the income. Perhaps you can acquire a long-term lease agreement for one low monthly price lower. 5. Question about the requirements to complete the contract checks if there is a clause in the contract that will allow you to terminate the arrendatario-arrendador relationship without penalty. Also carefully read the conditions in which the owner of the Office may cancel the contract so that you’re prepared. 6 Check that you’ll be able to reshape the Office before you sign a lease review decorative plan for your business, and what decorations that the owner would accept. Can you add a receptionist’s desk, change the carpet, or add a kitchen? So you will not regret the choice of that Office.

XeNet Global Network

The xebax GmbH from Berlin developed new Internet technology to the global network of companies, organizations, research, science and industry Berlin, August 14, 2008 the idea is simple, the realization of complex: people, information, communication, data, devices, United under one roof. The new network concept of xeNet (xebax network) emerged out of this idea. The software developer Hans Jurgen Fuchs and company of xebax GmbH from Berlin has laid the foundations for the ready implementation of xeNet technology over the last years with a small development team. The xeNet with its innovative technology concepts sets new standards in comparison to current Internet usage, which at last provides a safe, efficient and dynamic platform users. The Internet in its present form is divided into a collection of millions of individual computers, which provide different services and content. The only method of linking between different data sources is the http link, just in the use of search engines, the possibility to find services and content. Unlike the Internet, the xeNet is an object-oriented network, with a targeted access to the respective originals is realized through the classification of each object and the deposit of property characteristics. This data is available a wide range of services to the re-use of available through standardized data storage within the xeNet.

The xeNet is a pool of different resources such as process computer, data storage, database server and network management system, which stand ready to use the user. The intranet on the Internet is based on the implementation of new protocols, which only allows the enclosure to the public traffic. The network in the network design offers users a secure, spam free application platform. The modular software architecture can be integrated all conceivable applications in the xeNet: global marketplace eCommerce businesses eGoverrnment technical scientific applications for public institutions knowledge networks company-specific applications as a local application.

Kohler Engineering

First and second year met in November to study and experience exchange in Schmalkalden In November 2013 the students of the first and second year of in-service studying for master of engineering in the field came together applied plastics technology together at the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden. For the old-timers of the first year it was the first already the ninth presence phase in Schmalkalden, for students of the second year in the second semester. The students of the first year are now in the fourth semester of the master’s program and so slowly it is for them on the home straight. In the fourth semester, still legal and economic aspects as well as plastic recycling and environmental management are for them, before joining in the fifth semester of the master’s thesis. To kick off the presence stage from 7 until November 10, 2013, “Professor Dr. Manfred Herbert welcomed students with the topic of labour law. Friday and Saturday, his colleague Professor Dr. Rainer Schackmar taught the students which, the topics Contract law and product liability”Lage.

Dr. Martin Wirtz took over the end of the presence event. In his lecture on Sunday, intellectual property rights protection was”at the Centre. Also the students of the second year were at the same time to a presence stage at the University of applied sciences in Schmalkalden. “” You dealt with the topics of composites”plastics”. The students were greeted by Dr.-ing. Eva Bittmann, diploma in chemistry and publicly appointed experts in plastics. In their course of composite materials”, she treated the individual material components and the structure and the properties of fiber-reinforced plastics with environmental influences and other physical properties played a role.

The module is to represent the relationships between material, construction and workmanship and empower students to plastics to understand both thermoset and thermoplastic matrices as anisotropic composite materials include an extraordinary innovation potential, what is particularly important for airplane and vehicle construction. Further applications are engineering, power engineering and construction”, so Mrs. Dr. Balasubramanian. The course to the plastic processing module”led Dr.-ing. Marco Muller. In his lecture, met students among the technology-typical plastic processing methods and machines, the variability of the engineering types and their specific suitability for certain plastic products. The aim of his course was the students to empower, to select the appropriate procedure for optimum productivity and the quality of the product and to realize technological chains and professional decisions in the interaction between processes, machine, tool, peripheral equipment and product. But not only diligently studied during the time of presence in Schmalkalden. Both courses to a cosy get-together is met in the evening. The students took advantage of the time to the mutual exchange of the experiences of study and professional networking. The team of students is very heterogeneous and ranges from young to old, from the most different areas of plastics engineering. Programme Director Professor Dr. Thomas Seul is great, because as empirical values from different companies can be merged.” The next study course applied plastics engineering (M.Eng.) “starts to the summer of 2014 with the first presence phase in May.” For this purpose, some places are available.

Intellectual Property

In accordance with Decision 486 of the DOG (D.486) and the Law of Intellectual Property, (LPI) the right to the exclusive use of a mark is acquired by means of its registry before the Ecuadorian Institute of Intellectual Property – IEPI-; thus, in Ecuador it governs an attributive system as far as the sprouting of the right on a mark, because the registry solely grants exclusive rights on the mark in the Ecuadorian territory. Thus, the registry of the mark confers, among others, the right of the holder to use, to enjoy and to have the same; and, additionally the holder of the mark enjoys the right to prohibit on the part of third parties the following activities (155 Art.s D.486 and Art. 217 LPI): The use in the commerce of identical or similar signs to distinguish the same related products or other products or services; The sale, storage or introduction in the product commerce that contains the mark without the due authorization of their holder; The product import or export that contains the registered tradename; Emplar the registered tradename in publicity, commercial publications, documents or written communications; and? All that one use that can be considered analogous or assimilable previously to the described thing Thus, the marcario right looks for to protect the holder of a mark being avoided that third parties are worth of the economic effort that entails to position a mark in the market; and, as well, one looks for to protect the consuming public, so that at the time of choosing the goods or services of his preference it does not see vitiated the will by the concurrence in the market of signs that are not distinguishing to each other or of signs that reproduce registered tradenames without having the same enterprise origin and quality that the mark has to which they reproduce. For this reason, the protection of a mark by means of its registry before the IEPI constitutes dun element fundamental to be able to exert the rights that the communitarian and national legislation in the matter of industrial property confers. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Farallon Capital Management by clicking through. It registers your mark, protects your ideas.

Dominican Republic

Investment in real estate, in addition to business environment, and many celebrities are interested, in the Dominican Republic have already bought property Shakira, Julio Iglesias, Mikhail Baryshnikov, tattoos, etc. Ed. Tell us more about this method of investing, as For example, investing in land. A. One of the most effective and easiest ways of investing – buying land on a beach strip.

Today, land prices in the Dominican Republic are the lowest in the Caribbean and vary between US $ 5-350 per m2. By purchasing a plot of land in the Dominican Republic, you get not just a long-term lease, and your personal property, the price of which, due to the constant influx of investments into the republic, grow up to 25% per year. This property can be used for the construction of business facilities, private housing, you can leave a legacy to children or to resell. Prices for construction materials and labor are available at Russian standards. Due to the excitement of investors free sites with a coastline in developed areas, there are fewer, so the government of the Dominican Republic aims to develop a promising new area- Samana, where already built up international airport. In today's world there is not much land to the coastline at an average cost of US $ 40 m2, so the land at Samana is one of the most popular options for efficient investment. Our company is fully accompanied by implementation of transactions on the land investment: – consulting services: market analysis, economic and political situation in the country, legal information, tax information, the laws of the country, the question of heritage property – support of the transaction, from ordering in size and location of the plot to the registration of ownership to secure the Bar – attach a personal broker, if the transaction amount from the US $ 500 000 – help in the division of a large plot on the part of a subsequent sale – the selection of reliable partners, a construction company, translation support, if you took decision to develop the infrastructure of their own – complete organization of construction projects of any complexity, "turnkey" – asset management – design of a residence permit and citizenship – the creation of Ed.

Cheap Ebikes

The summer is coming and the brochures of the food markets are full of cheap E-bikes. But what about the quality of Pedelecs? Currently, the content of E-bikes and Pedelecs in the brochures of the German food markets and discount stores again pile up. Many of the quotes come from. The reputation of the so-called “DIY wheels” is not particularly good for years – but the quality of the bikes is actually bad or what is behind this myth? It is, at the beginning of the E-bike hype the DIY and property markets wanted to be thereby to shake the market with really cheap E-bikes. The manufacturers have delivered these products and in fact, there were quality problems. The batteries were not complying with, technology ever gave up the Ghost in the rain and the multi-vendor service was overloaded with the high number of complaints. These problems appeared but also with brand-name products in the shops.

Due to the smaller amount of selling E-bikes and the less known dealers these problems but arrived less in the light of the public, as in the big discounters with its nationwide information leaflets. It is not conclusively determine whether the problems with E-bikes were a problem of “cheap bikes”, or whether all manufacturers of E-bikes have had problems with the new technology. The service for E-bikes is getting better but it is obvious that the manufacturer of inexpensive E-bikes have invested a lot in the service and the quality of their products. Today the E-bike manufacturers that strip off the reputation of the first years of fight and offer quick and easy on-site service for E-bikes.

Consular Service

But if the third party knew or should have known of the termination of powers of attorney, this rule does not apply (Part 2 of Art. 189 Civil Code). After the termination of the warrant agent or his successor obliged to return the power of attorney to the principal or his successor (Part 3. 189 Civil Code). So, summarizing the above, once again remind you of what should turn its attention to the very third person, who addressed the power of attorney.

At Credentials that are based on powers of attorney, power of attorney determines that the required information: name, surname, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence is a natural person, the name and details of documents proving his identity. Checks are also indicated in the correspondence office of attorney committed representative actions, the availability of the date of the authorization and its validity period (not more than three years). Farallon Capital Management is likely to increase your knowledge. If the term of the warrant is not specified, it is valid for one year. The power of attorney on behalf of the entity must contain the title, name and signature of the head, the seal legal entity. Power of attorney issued by way of transfer must be notarized. Powers of attorney issued by the heads of branches, are the powers of attorney issued by way of transfer, and therefore they also be notarized. Important detail: the power of attorney, made abroad, shall be sworn or legalized by the Department of Consular Service of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

And another thing: not to be confused authority to conduct transactions (such as signing a contract of sale of real estate) and the authority to represent the interests of (say, the state registration of the contract of sale of real estate). The contract can be signed by the seller or the buyer himself. A representation of their interests in the body for registration (submission and receipt of documents) they can trust others. Peter Asaro will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Power of attorney for the state registration of rights must also be notarized, unless otherwise stipulated by federal law (Part 1 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 122-FZ "On state registration of real estate and transactions with him "). In a power of attorney must be fully qualified, not only the surname, name and patronymic, place of residence, and year of birth and passport details of the principal, because the information needed to make a single State Register of rights (EGRP) and certificate of state registration of property rights.

Auer Witte Thiel Law

Auer Witte Thiel supports the planned reform of the landlord/tenant law in Munich in November 2009: the firm Auer Witte Thiel tenancy law experts are in favour of the FDP’s proposal to align the periods of notice by tenants and landlords, and thus to strengthen the rights of lessors. Auer Witte Thiel also welcomes a shorter duration of proceedings for payment and eviction actions as well as the tougher action against so-called rent nomads representing the Munich law firm Auer Witte Thiel since decades housing company and supported the reform proposals of the new Federal Government. The FDP plans according to Chairman Birgit Homburger, the periods of notice to tenants and landlord until 2013 to align this is still open, whether the shortened deadlines for landlord or tenant extends the. The situation of asymmetric notice law had been agreed under the red green Federal Government and clearly has the legal status of the landlord according to the tenancy law experts Auer Witte Thiel deteriorated. The background: Since the tenancy law reform in 2001 a tenant with a notice period of three months may terminate, while the landlord may terminate indefinite contracts only for legitimate reasons such as subsistence and Additionally, depending on the residence period of the tenant must wait periods of up to nine months. Due to this unequal treatment of tenants and landlords the FDP calls for Auer Witte Thiel’s opinion quite rightly, to abolish the asymmetric notice periods.

Auer Witte Thiel tenancy law experts also welcome the FDP’s intention to abolish excessive procedures take payment and clearance charges and grace for defaulting tenants or change. The Liberals advocate on behalf of tenants and landlords generally a simplification of the tenancy and request a final settlement in the Civil Code also so Auer Witte Thiel. As the legal representation of many residential construction companies and property owners, Auer Witte Thiel welcomes also the Announcements on the subject of rent nomads”. Thus persons identified from an apartment in the next take, pay no or rarely rent and often leave the rented apartments in shabby condition. In such cases, for example eviction judgments can be enforced in future. So, the new black-yellow Government agreed in their coalition agreement on a sharper crackdown on so-called rent nomads. Auer Witte Thiel Auer Witte Thiel is an economic and legal-oriented law firm.

Auer Witte Thiel represents a variety of housing companies, property managers and condominium communities in the area rental, real estate, and belly right for decades. The specialization areas of focus and the development of core competencies in certain disciplines are indispensable in the legal services sector. The seat of the firm Auer Witte Thiel is in Munich. Contact Auer Witte Thiel lawyers Attorney Tobias Steiner Bayerstrasse 27 80335 Munchen phone: 089/59 98 97 60 fax: 089 / 550 38 71 E-Mail: Web: