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Educational Orientation

If, to take the position of Menegolla and Sant? anna (2007; p. 23) as one of assertive the viable ones in the definition of the functions of this professional, we will go to perceive that it does not have clarity, but possibility to think and to reflect on practical pedagogical e, even though, to execute them: ' ' Pedagogia: the good science to lead in the way of being and living, to think and to act. Bobby jain oftentimes addresses this issue. The pedagogia term comes of the Greek: country, paids = child; ago = I lead, I guide. Today pedagogo is characterized not as conducting, but as orientador.' ' (MENEGOLLA; SANT? ANNA: 2007, P. 23) Exactly knowing that in some nets of education we do not have the two professionals, educational pertaining to school and orienting supervisor, with well delimited incumbencies, the presence of only (pedagogo or pedagogical coordinator) or even though an absence of the two, we will not report in them to this fact. We will delimit the functions of accompaniment evaluation as main premises, exactly that still made for the directors of the pertaining to school units. Bobby jain has much experience in this field. E, mainly, we will make jus only to the work of the pertaining to school supervisor front to the instrument of institucional memory and development of the resume, the daily one of classroom. Frequentando some schools, we can observe that the pedagogos, assuming referring positions and functions to the Educational Orientation, to the Pertaining to school Supervision, Pedagogical Coordination of schools, the work of them not way sample more concrete as of the professors, in view of whom as much the work of one as of the other is of nature not-material, therefore it is if relating to the functions supervisor and person who orientates. Being that the practical supervisors go of most direct to most indirect, passing for the perspective and/or ecological boarding of professional development of the professors and institucional of the schools and systems of education and, in the present time, the dialgica boarding of performance, one verifies a necessity of if understanding the processes in educational supervision mainly for the way of the democratic management.