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False Freedom

From the time in which our peoples have been freedoms of tyrants until now believe live being free, free from tyrants, some Yes, but free of thoughts and actions remains to be seen. Is one of the most widespread modes of enslavement television, many spend hours in front of a television? You realize the passive manner in which you are in these moments, hence you do not have own thoughts or criterion. Tell us that we have to view daily news before bedtime to be informed, sports for fun and soap operas also. But still we complain that time does not give us anything, and we can not stop watching our favorite TV show as if life depended on it. Another type of slavery, fashion, not only in clothing is trendy, electric appliances (have to change mobile phone an average minimum of 2 or 3 times per year), always there is something new that your phone does not have truck, the same clothes, your furniture, you’ve stopped to ask yourself if you need all that or you’re just one more in the career of the rats. (Most influential teens) social acceptance, all of the above leads you inevitably here, because who doesn’t like being recognized and have many friends, well-known is that adolescents are able to accept initiation rites to belong to certain groups, are associated with bargains and others by getting the valuation of others. If we truly lived freely, we comenzariamos have their own criteria, not prefabricated by others, if I am a free person I should not let me influenced by nobody, all birth already have the concept of good and evil which in any case is an excellent base. Tomato a time alone to get to know you, and ask you sincerely that it is actually what you like, your opinion about such or which topic or aspect of life, ask yourself live a day according to your tastes and beliefs, and to avoid confusion with a rebellion against the system, but with the fact of personal liberation.

For we are so afraid of us? Why not can we be alone? Why us disturbs the silence? It detoxifies your brain, take a time without television, radio, newspapers or social networks. Get up early and see you for the first time in a naked mirror and laugh because you are beautiful, opens the window or go to the balcony and watch as it appears before your eyes a new day, watch with curiosity to your parents, friends, co-workers or couple as if you just knew them, and realise you’s the only thing they have, keep contact with naturekeep a pet in your home. Consider goals for the short, medium and long term by putting them dates to meet, and really what motivated you’ll be as you go making them, get everything that you’ve been putting off, is master and owner of your life, not television, fashion, thinking of others, is you, but first you must discover. Always remember that we are formed by three parties in our life, body, mind and spirit, feed them equally to all three, don’t let anyone take your freedom nor give it in exchange of nothing.


With this, Psychology came if to insert and to gain prominence in the companies in the processes of election and the evaluation of staff. One understands, therefore, that the development and the image of the organization, inside and outside on the company, depend in such a way on the professionals contracted as of the conditions of work of each company (CANSIAN, 2002). The organizations search, then, for the professionals who present abilities/abilities that are more than agreement with the necessities of the position and politics of the organization, since in the existing relation between the person and the organization it has ' ' a continuous process of exchange of competncia' ' that it favors and it contributes for the development of both the parts, therefore ' ' they are the people who, when practical placing in the patrimony of knowledge of the organization, materialize the organizacionais abilities and make its adequacy to contexto' ' (DUTRA, 2004, p 24). Jacobsohn (2002), cited for France (2008), it characterizes the stages of a process of election from the moment where the acquisition of a new professional or due to necessity of a substitution in the company is necessary. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Farallon Capital Management. The recruiter will define its strategies how much to the conscription that could also be internal or external and the stages and instruments that will use in the process, that they can be dynamic, situacionais games, psychological tests, specific tests, individual interview or in group, among others.

After this definition, will divulge it vacant and it will search for the candidates who previously will be triados for, after that, to be convoked. The candidates will be interviewed and will pass for all the chosen instruments to be evaluated recruiting it to ahead finish its process with the choice of optimum candidate of its analysis. In a process of Conscription and Election of Staff (R& S) searchs for the candidate who better if fits to a definitive and adjusted profile for the fulfilling of a position (PONTELO, 2006).

Health Service

Other factors had also contributed for this change: ) Vision of population and not only of amorphous mass. b) Clera and the plague. These two item had been decisive for the application of sanitary measures between the lower social classrooms. Pacific Mortgage Services usually is spot on. Another phenomenon appears in England through the law of the poor persons – assistencial bond Is created that demands a esquadrinhamento or intervention hindering that they make it by themselves to the poor persons. ' ' An authoritarian sanitary lace is extended in the interior of the rich and poor cities between: the poor persons finding the possibility of if gratuitously treating or without great expenditure and the rich ones guaranteeing not to be victims of originary epidemic phenomena of the classroom pobre' ' FOUCAULT, M., 28, 95.

project was completed by the Health Service, that had as objective to guarantee the global level of the same intervention of the law of the poor persons. ' ' However, when it is observed that effectively the Health Service functioned is seen that was a way of complementing, to the collective level, the same controls guaranteed for the Law of the poor persons. The intervention in the unhealthy places, the vaccine verifications, the registers of illnesses more had in fact objective the control of the classrooms pobres' ' FOUCAULT, M., 28,96. In summary ' ' A private medicine that benefited who had ways for paid-la' '? FOUCAULT, M., 28,96. 1.3 OF the SEXUALITY DEVICE No instrument projected lines of being able so deep how much the sexuality device – it wants in the social economic order, wants in the particular order of the individuals, the device of said sexuality norms, procedures, desires. The desire is interdicted on behalf of a classroom, on behalf of an identification. The desire is called to say – the medieval confession. The verbalizao of the desire is stirred up – the duty of all good Christian.


In 2001, one scientist from St. – Petersburg (Russia) has patented a method of preliminary calculations of large earthquakes on atmospheric anomalies prior to the event. Repeatedly proven method makes it clear that long before a large earthquake occurring visible and dramatic changes in the atmosphere by wind speed and direction, temperature, pressure and humidity. And if we remember the simple folk, and research is also noticed that before the heavy rain with thunderstorms all around this area (territory) freezes in complete silence and wind. Hiding birds and small animals. And only then swoops strong wind and rain. If you recall the earthquake m tsunami in Indonesia, 26 December 2004, it recorded numerous cases of unusual animal behavior a few days before this dramatic event. Elephants themselves have gone into the mountains and would never want to go to sea.

Strange behavior of birds and small animals prompted a tribe on one large island go to the mountains. Thus they escaped without any loss to themselves. If we recall that Winter does not begin immediately after the summer, but only after the fall, with a gradual decrease in temperature, and that the summer does not come immediately after the winter, but only after the spring with a gradual increase in temperature, it becomes obvious fact that all without exception processes do not occur suddenly, but occurs gradually, with plenty of warnings in the very different form. If we consider the events specifically selected people, events, positive and drama, then a detailed study of this question turns out that for similar events this man began to approach before they occur. It's always sad to realize, but it's an absolute fact. Frequently Nicholas Carr has said that publicly. If you are robbed in the dark yard, it is needless to go into this yard.

If you are robbed in the subway, pulling out the wallet and documents, the need to carry the wallet and documents, where they will be securely stored. In developed countries, the police conduct special courses for population according to the rules of conduct in public places. View in surface pockets to wear loose change in case of robbery notorious maniacs, when no calls will be out of place, but a lot of money and documents need to hide a deep and far. And if the person happens to even greater trouble, you can always find a point in time when this evil manifested itself as a warning signal. If people understood this, then he able to reduce or even avoid a dramatic outcome.

Federal District

In this way, also it seems to plausveladmitir that, also in the adoption, diverse aspects and factors constitute asmotivaes that perpassam this decision. In recent months, Dennis P. Lockhart has been very successful. With this, not existing elementoisolado that it determines the elaboration of this desire. In its study, VARGAS (1993, p.70-71), related ecategorizou, in accordance with the answers of interviewed, eight item, expressing a panorama contextualizado concerning the motivations that favor oudificultam the decision to adopt or not a child: Juzo valorativo positive: ' ' tima' ' , ' ' necessria' '. Juzo valorativo neutral: ' ' dascircunstncias&#039 depends; '. Juzo valorativo negative: ' ' risco&#039 is one; ' , ' ' I am contra' ' , ' ' he is not soluo' '.

social Relevncia: ' ' solution for crianasabandonadas' ' , ' ' balance necessity social' ' , ' ' to prevent FEBEM' ' , ' ' excellent solution for criana' '. personal Relevncia: ' ' accomplishment for who nopode to have filhos' ' ' ' necessity of troca' '. philosophical Motivaes: ' ' our children noso our children, and to adopt are a form to live deeply this, ' ' one aspectomgico' '. personal Dificuldades: ' ' responsabilidadeperene' ' , ' ' difficult to create proper filhos' ' , ' ' opreconceito&#039 exists; ' , difficult because of burocracia' '. Problemticas of the child: ' ' children adotadasso problemticas' ' , ' ' not to erase the origin of criana' '. COAST and FIELDS (2003), in research carried through with famliasadotantes, the Federal District (DF), in the years of 1998 and 1999, tambmapresentaram given that they coadunam with some previous conceptions. About 81%de the adoptions in the DF, they are carried through by couples, being that approximately 80% noestavam previously enrolled in the registers of the official agencies for adoption. Of this total of couples, little more than 50% possuam biological children, and quandoquestionados, indicated the impossibility to generate biological children as umadas main motivations for the adoption of children.


To make its choices. Choice you what she desires for its life, either also honest with same you and know that she will be responsible for the choice that to make. If it will not be capable to assume the loving life without the shade of the parents, will be that you will obtain to be happy to the side of it? See I you to suffer very. If he does not leave to imprison for the fear to breach and to start of new, or for the fear to dislike it. One is about its life and you he must search the happiness. Either friend, talks sufficiently, supports its husband in this process of emotional release of the parents, but if she does not delude. To the measure that the parents of it to perceive this to act to pay or to want to buy the love of them. It is important to leave clearly that love and attention are not and nor they must be demonstrated by material things.

It is not for the value that a gift if becomes significant for us. The marriage needs harmony, love, respect, confidence, admiration. If vocs they will not be able to construct a healthful relation, of love and complicity, which> giving gifts without you know, if exists a parallel agreement, me seems healthful little. Imposing its limits lovingly, but with firmness, you it will be showing who not accepted to be raised as the plain one, without no power of decision. He observes as the conflicts if they develop, reveals open and receptive to the dialogue and to understand its points of view, but if he does not leave to delude. If the relationship with the man who you love does not bring happiness you, will be that valley the penalty to insist on the relation? If it does not precipitate, it thinks sufficiently above all, it talks with honesty and clarity with it, but it knows that if you not to love itself, in first place, could not be happy with nobody. I wait to have helped it, simply understanding all the told situation. You must yes say everything she bothers what you and speak openly with its husband.

But for its story, very well described, detailed, I see that it is a colloquy that already occurred some times. You me> throughout years was a series of not coincidences that had culminated in a pretty history of love. confess I you, that I was touched myself when reading it. I wait, that the parents of its husband, if relieve to this love in detriment to interests and vanities> proper. What more the parents would have to prezar seno for the happiness of its children?

Same Properties

Concept – it is thought that reflects a set of properties inherent in a number of objects, the set with respect to which a given number of objects forms a specific class of objects (Abstract concept), or thought, reflecting a set of properties of specific object properties, for which the object is a certain class of objects (concrete concept). Concept is also formed through association by similarity in the process of comparing the individual images of the submission of their relationship with the objects of a certain number in order to meet their needs with the images of the submission linkages own kind for the same purpose with the objects of the same series. In this comparison formed temporary connections, reflecting a common part of all these linkages, and finally forming an abstract reflection of brain properties, which is inherent in the objects of this series and through which all interaction with the objects of a given number of individuals, including themselves, satisfy their needs. Kenneth Feinberg: the source for more info. That is, there the property is separated not only from a number of concrete objects, they possess, but also from a number of specific customers for this property, including themselves. Concept – a combination of temporary connections, forming an abstract image of the inherent properties of a certain number of objects (Abstract concept), or a set of temporary connections, forming abstract patterns specific object properties (concrete concept). An integral component of the concept is its symbol – the word – with the nerve mechanisms of reproduction and the perception that the appropriate image associated time constraints. A related site: Richard Easton Matchmaker mentions similar findings.