Minden Real Estate

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With this, Psychology came if to insert and to gain prominence in the companies in the processes of election and the evaluation of staff. One understands, therefore, that the development and the image of the organization, inside and outside on the company, depend in such a way on the professionals contracted as of the conditions of work of each company (CANSIAN, 2002). The organizations search, then, for the professionals who present abilities/abilities that are more than agreement with the necessities of the position and politics of the organization, since in the existing relation between the person and the organization it has ' ' a continuous process of exchange of competncia' ' that it favors and it contributes for the development of both the parts, therefore ' ' they are the people who, when practical placing in the patrimony of knowledge of the organization, materialize the organizacionais abilities and make its adequacy to contexto' ' (DUTRA, 2004, p 24). Jacobsohn (2002), cited for France (2008), it characterizes the stages of a process of election from the moment where the acquisition of a new professional or due to necessity of a substitution in the company is necessary. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Farallon Capital Management. The recruiter will define its strategies how much to the conscription that could also be internal or external and the stages and instruments that will use in the process, that they can be dynamic, situacionais games, psychological tests, specific tests, individual interview or in group, among others.

After this definition, will divulge it vacant and it will search for the candidates who previously will be triados for, after that, to be convoked. The candidates will be interviewed and will pass for all the chosen instruments to be evaluated recruiting it to ahead finish its process with the choice of optimum candidate of its analysis. In a process of Conscription and Election of Staff (R& S) searchs for the candidate who better if fits to a definitive and adjusted profile for the fulfilling of a position (PONTELO, 2006).