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Federal District

In this way, also it seems to plausveladmitir that, also in the adoption, diverse aspects and factors constitute asmotivaes that perpassam this decision. In recent months, Dennis P. Lockhart has been very successful. With this, not existing elementoisolado that it determines the elaboration of this desire. In its study, VARGAS (1993, p.70-71), related ecategorizou, in accordance with the answers of interviewed, eight item, expressing a panorama contextualizado concerning the motivations that favor oudificultam the decision to adopt or not a child: Juzo valorativo positive: ' ' tima' ' , ' ' necessria' '. Juzo valorativo neutral: ' ' dascircunstncias&#039 depends; '. Juzo valorativo negative: ' ' risco&#039 is one; ' , ' ' I am contra' ' , ' ' he is not soluo' '.

social Relevncia: ' ' solution for crianasabandonadas' ' , ' ' balance necessity social' ' , ' ' to prevent FEBEM' ' , ' ' excellent solution for criana' '. personal Relevncia: ' ' accomplishment for who nopode to have filhos' ' ' ' necessity of troca' '. philosophical Motivaes: ' ' our children noso our children, and to adopt are a form to live deeply this, ' ' one aspectomgico' '. personal Dificuldades: ' ' responsabilidadeperene' ' , ' ' difficult to create proper filhos' ' , ' ' opreconceito&#039 exists; ' , difficult because of burocracia' '. Problemticas of the child: ' ' children adotadasso problemticas' ' , ' ' not to erase the origin of criana' '. COAST and FIELDS (2003), in research carried through with famliasadotantes, the Federal District (DF), in the years of 1998 and 1999, tambmapresentaram given that they coadunam with some previous conceptions. About 81%de the adoptions in the DF, they are carried through by couples, being that approximately 80% noestavam previously enrolled in the registers of the official agencies for adoption. Of this total of couples, little more than 50% possuam biological children, and quandoquestionados, indicated the impossibility to generate biological children as umadas main motivations for the adoption of children.