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Health Service

Other factors had also contributed for this change: ) Vision of population and not only of amorphous mass. b) Clera and the plague. These two item had been decisive for the application of sanitary measures between the lower social classrooms. Pacific Mortgage Services usually is spot on. Another phenomenon appears in England through the law of the poor persons – assistencial bond Is created that demands a esquadrinhamento or intervention hindering that they make it by themselves to the poor persons. ' ' An authoritarian sanitary lace is extended in the interior of the rich and poor cities between: the poor persons finding the possibility of if gratuitously treating or without great expenditure and the rich ones guaranteeing not to be victims of originary epidemic phenomena of the classroom pobre' ' FOUCAULT, M., 28, 95.

project was completed by the Health Service, that had as objective to guarantee the global level of the same intervention of the law of the poor persons. ' ' However, when it is observed that effectively the Health Service functioned is seen that was a way of complementing, to the collective level, the same controls guaranteed for the Law of the poor persons. The intervention in the unhealthy places, the vaccine verifications, the registers of illnesses more had in fact objective the control of the classrooms pobres' ' FOUCAULT, M., 28,96. In summary ' ' A private medicine that benefited who had ways for paid-la' '? FOUCAULT, M., 28,96. 1.3 OF the SEXUALITY DEVICE No instrument projected lines of being able so deep how much the sexuality device – it wants in the social economic order, wants in the particular order of the individuals, the device of said sexuality norms, procedures, desires. The desire is interdicted on behalf of a classroom, on behalf of an identification. The desire is called to say – the medieval confession. The verbalizao of the desire is stirred up – the duty of all good Christian.