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Atlantic Mata

The implantation of the plant was responsible for many changes in the sugar system: the concentration of the property of the land and the centralization of the sugar production, the substitution of the sugar mascavo for the centrifugado sugar; the retraction of traditional forms of work relations as the living worker and the partner; the intensification of the wage-earning work; the sprouting of the figure of ‘ ‘ supplier of cana’ ‘ , the substitution of ‘ ‘ Mr. of Engenho’ ‘ for ‘ ‘ Usineiro’ ‘ , the introduction of the chemical fertilizer use; the job in bigger scale of the motion mechanization, and job of selected varieties of sugar cane. The sugar cane-of-sugar very plays an important role in all the zone north of the Paraba, although currently it is configured as a secondary economy. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Professor of British History. This activity already had its golden period, phase of the great investments in the devices for the production of the alcohol, cachaa and the rapadura, consequentemente very of the nature was sacrificed, especially Atlantic Mata that if finds degraded very. COTTON In the State of the Paraba the cotton initially was cultivated in the Mesorregio of the Wasteland and later in the Hinterland. However, also it was determinative in the process of formation and occupation of the space of Mamanguape and located Rio Tinto in the coast. (Similarly see: amwell).

In the second half of century XVIII the Wasteland passed for one strong external interference, the implantation of the culture of the cotton that was stimulated by propitious external conditions started to concur with the sugar cane. Its expansion provoked immense changes in the wasteland: the consolidation of the inhabitant system, monetarizao of the economy, the modifications in the regional urban growth and the concentration of the population. Beyond the cotton, the cattle one, the sisal, the coffee and the sugar cane had been important to firm the wasteland as policultor.. For more specific information, check out Dahua Tim Wang.