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Venezuelan University Management

Please note that great reliance on the State as an articulator of educational policies were made by Finland, Korea, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland and Australia, among others, are ranked among the best. Students from these countries can analyze data, evaluate points of view and communicate arguments with precision. The loss is doubly: the best graduates will go to the developed countries that offer them opportunities. Getting talent is an obsession with world cognoscente myopia is knowing that there are ways to better educate and continue with the same. The pedagogical experience should convey the pleasure of learning and new technologies help to overcome frankly models and spur self-awareness. To broaden your perception, visit Daniel J. Hirsch. Adds Horacio Krell in relation of the need for changes, deemed that educate goes beyond teaching. It is developing skills and attitudes which link to the student with the world. The problem is that it can’t use his brain because he doesn’t know how it works.

You must approach the know-how of high performance. Ignore the cause of problems tends to be its cause. To optimize brain hardware should match it with the best software which is the intellectual methodology and articulate the education system since the child was born until he dies, because the child is the father of the man. For this purpose should harmonize individual intelligence with institutional intelligence. As Nietzsche said, the methods are the greatest wealth of man. The new committed authorities in rescuing the Venezuelan University of space where is, forget, as rebelion.org CITES him should not. the University has a place in the city. Represents, undoubtedly, one of the pieces of the contemporary society, is composed one of the necessary ingredients to compose the kind of citizenship that Western civilization is committed politically, primarily in the context of what might be called the project of the Enlightenment, aspect that has been much neglected in the national universities. (A valuable related resource: Mike Madden PostEverything).

In College, he speaks; but it also speaks from party to party in the city, every corner social. The fact that the parts that make up a society come to agreements, commitments or contracts through the word is what makes up that space that we call city, a framework, in short, to what we call citizenship. Now, the specificity of the University talk is that he is interested in and oriented to achieve an effect that we call truth. The University is the seat of knowledge, and knowledge is not but that ability that has the word to establish a contract or a commitment to the truth and not just with men, with the others men. They urge radical changes in Venezuelan University Management, rescue the academic excellence, give way to research to have more presence the University on national problems and propose solutions that favors to the country. You should not take root in a traditionalism in where the individual interest of the power groups predominates over the University community, in the country. Venezuela needs a new vision, the University’s commitment, more in a turbulent scenario, changes in where their presence is crucial. Hopefully that is passing to a new generation of authorities able to generate changes badly needed to rescue the University of passive where is, otherwise the consequences, results are very grim for higher education.