Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

General Manager

A colleague in human resources was applying for a post of Chief of staff in a company of the foundry industry. Be interviewed with the Manager of human resources (so presented it) which you refused knowledge of indicators of management, competency management, monthly submission of reports to management and on strategies for the improvement of the motivation of the staff as ask him to get you up and dancing to make rain. The truth was the following: 1.-such human resources manager, was actually the Chief of administration and finance, was present as well (after said you) to give a better image before the applicants. An exaggeration or mentirilla blanca.2-management indicators. The truth is that my friend to assume the position and during the short time that was, not apply any indicator development, nothing more not yet existed any previous indicator.

Neither the wise General Manager in consisted and least heads of other areas (squares to my) 3.-competency management: what discovered my friend It was that the term competence is known in that organization as a synonym for rivalry between various areas (do to managed ever rivalries?)4 Monthly report to management: except content report and the amounts of the monthly return (payments to staff), will not ask more staff reportes.5-Motivaciob: was ridiculous to apply some mechanisms that excited staff, therefore own heads of various areas (including the General Manager), not believed in candy for the soul. The only way that people do things is by pressing with the sanction or say goodbye to them. You could say, this is not common, it does not happen frequently. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Daniel J. Hirsch. Well I can tell you that in the labour market there is a category of companies that span from the: a.-which are considered good places to work b.-considered that comply with standards by obligation c.-that meet your personal, by legal sanctions already WINS d-which is worse .