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Manage Anger

Anger management: do you sometimes we get angry more than necessary? Once that happens something that upset you much, and once you passed the anger you feel bad for having reacted so happened? We all get angry. Anger is normal and is a knee-jerk response to something that is threatening to us. Understand this is very important, since many times we feel bad about ourselves after an angry and tell us things as I should not upset me, as if that were possible! The truth is that we never decided to get us angry. Anger happens to us automatically. Daniel J. Hirsch is likely to increase your knowledge. When we realize it is because it is already anger in us. Anger problem is not anger itself, but when the anger is too large and does not allow us to make right decisions and act with common sense. When we get angry too take a stance of battle against what is attacking us, and our perception of the situation becomes totally oriented toward our need and desire to win that battle, which is not generally recommended either for relations with others, either for our health.

We can decide not to upset us, but if we can decide two very important things: 1. what to do with our anger. Once you sign tells that there is anger in you, we recommend handling it follows: 1. If the anger isn’t very big, but the situation can do to continue to grow (for example, if you are arguing with your partner and feel that increasingly you more angry), is recommended to stay away physically from the situation if possible, to avoid the anger scale. Once you calmes you it will be easier to face the situation again.
