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Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba

The weekly British considers the request of Rubalcaba that Spain accept the German vote model was a direct compensation to the movement. Qualifies to Rubalcaba of populist by attacking bankers. Qualifies to Spaniards as the most serious protesters in Europe. Outraged Spaniards are getting some of their proposed objectives. It thus considered the British weekly The Economist, in an analysis of 15-M movement in which picks up that one of the demands of the movement, the reform of the electoral law, has already been accepted by the candidate of the Socialist Party to the next election, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba.There were neither stones nor tear gas launches, but July 9 educated protesters outraged from Spain pointed is still a victory, publishes The Economist. The weekly considers that the request of Rubalcaba that Spain accept the German vote model was a compensation direct the movement that spontaneously occupied urban squares in mid-May, asserting that politicians do not represent us. In this regard The Economist, which qualifies the outraged Spanish as the most serious demonstrators from Europe, also says that Rubalcaba has begun attacking bankers.It accuses them of lend to people who knew that they would not be able to pay and threatens with new taxes. It may be a polite nod to the polite indignation, but it has something of populism, he says.

A symptom, rather than a movement also the publication refers to the concern of Spaniards by the political class, to the point of becoming their third biggest problem after the economy and unemployment. Polls show broad support to suppress the degrees of immunity enjoyed by some involved in cases of corruption politicians who poisoned the regional and municipal policies says the weekly. In addition, the publication includes the opinion of Josep Lobera, specialist in polls, that qualifies the 15-M as a symptom, more as a movement. It is a symptom. It expresses a general feeling of concern and anger, says the expert. In terms of political allegiance, Francisco Canero, former small businessman and activist, stressed: what unites the movement are complaints, not solutions. Source of the news: The Economist: “outraged Spaniards are achieving some of its objectives”

Mitch Winehouse

/ Ensures that drug taking to alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal, the Librium, increases the chance of a collapse. He admits that Amy Winehouse did everything with excess. Definitive reports of his death have not been disclosed. Amy Winehouse’s father, Mitch Winehouse, has granted the first television interview since her daughter died. The progenitor of the singer has provided new clues about the cause of the death of the singer. According to his version, was hard detoxification that was submitting and the use of a legal drug for this purpose, the Librium, what killed her. Everything that made Amy did in excess.

He drank too much and made rehabilitation in excess, indicates the father of the deceased singer in an interview with the talk show Anderson Cooper that airs this Monday. The diva of soul, which for years fought his addiction to drugs and alcohol, was found dead at his home in London on July 23. According to his family, toxicological reports indicate that there was alcohol in your blood, but it is not clear that this contributed to his death. Mitch Winehouse, during an emotional interview, also adds that the analysis revealed traces of Librium in his blood, a drug that is administered to combat anxiety and other symptoms in alcoholics who are in rehabilitation and that, according to their statements, increase the chance of a collapse. Taking Librium daily, said. In this line, Mitch regrets that Amy Winehouse would disengage without the help of a professional, because periods of abstinence were ever longer and ever shorter periods in those who drank. I was in the right direction, says. In addition, the father of the singer explains that Amy suffered from attacks that could cause you to lose consciousness in recent months before dying, and that might be a good explanation for what happened that July 23. When not drank, was the owner of the world, recalls during the interview, whose fragments were issued by TMZ, the father of Amy Winehouse, which ensures that not blamed her ex-husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, of his death, but only of his affection to drugs hard. Source of the news: the father of Amy Winehouse believes that his daughter died from an “excessive rehabilitation”


Spiritual, higher, divine, never going to abandon; they call our attention with more or less intensity, or with more or less regularity, but they do not continue in its efforts, because it is a need almost as vital as breathing. We can hide that concern with the distraction by the financial goals achieved, with the apparent happiness of power or the social status, with parties and gifts, but not be outvoted because they know that it is not what fully satisfies the person, and because they know that the significance is more important than the immediate, and that satisfaction which produces a step forward on the path of spirituality is not comparable to any else: it is more durable, more solid, more intimately satisfactory. Discards, for example, find me with God face to face if what you think is in the bearded man with fantastic and unlimited powers that can do a magic to it that will cause you wonderment. Discards ascend to the heavens to check that everything they say is true. You have the power to do miracles bulky discards. Be realistic and think of as possible.

You can see God in any bird or dawn. God you may be in prayer, or a shiver in an undeniable way. You can ascend to heaven within you. You can perform miracles whenever you want. Be at peace is spiritual. Being honest is spiritual. Help your neighbor is spiritual. Pray or have healthy thought is spiritual.

Spirituality is not only in the churches and Religion. It is much more everyday. Or, if still you don’t feel it as well, you must be on a daily basis. You have to talk about it and feel it on a daily basis. You have to share it with naturalness that others feel the same way. You have to do it one way or model of life. Only if you so want, of course.


Lubricants are only oils and mineral fats derived from petroleum. These can be diluid you in water, synthetic or industrial. They are subjected to different processes using constituent elements get results that later lubricants distributors shall, to different companies to create an unlimited number of different products. The Internet has narrowed the distance that we kept away from providers. The network will take you directly to where you want to reach. Giving you various options of companies manufacturers that handle the product. Lubricants are produced by various companies.

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Briefs: One morning, walking along the beach, my feet, sand and the sea, suddenly, I sensed the immensity, the perception and I were one and together, the universe. One morning, walking along the beach, my feet, the sand and the sea. Story that he is the origin of the so-called sons of God from their status of eternal intelligences. Our Heavenly parents organized our spiritual bodies such as we earthly parents, we organize the physical bodies of those who are sent to our world called Earth in order that they can continue with their progress through the discovery and development of his divine attributes. Now, how was the principle?, the beginning of our history as beings conscious of his individuality? the Scriptures speak of a Council in heaven where all were consulted, the acceptance of a Plan of salvation and of the consequences of the Lucifer rebellion, the great battle of the heavens and the subsequent expulsion of a third of the children of God. Nothing He tells us in terms of our first experiences as organised beings, we know that we distinguiamos by our intelligence and nobility, in the book of Abraham, Chapter 3, we read the following: and the Lord said unto me: these two facts exist: there are two spirits, and one is more intelligent than the other; There will be another more intelligent than them; I am the Lord thy God, I am smarter than all of them (3: 19) I dwell in the midst of them all; Therefore, I have now descended to let you know the works that my hands have done, so my wisdom outbid them all them, because Kingdom in the heavens above and below on Earth, with all wisdom and prudence, over all the intelligences thine eyes have seen from the beginning; I down on the principle in the midst of all the intelligences that you’ve seen.