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United Nations

In the middle is the nation-State, still surviving, but warned of term of its existence. The political forms indicate the possibility of creation of large regional blocs with supranational Governments in the midst of a planetary integration process, that not yet in sight, given the existential crisis of organizations such as the United Nations. For even more analysis, hear from why did jeff bezos step down. If the construction of the nation-State was a process of centuries the legal formulation of a global state it will take, but not centuries, thanks to new technologies. An example unthinkable until recently: I read a survey according to which something like half of the Portuguese wouldn’t no objection to join with Spain. Connect with other leaders such as Wang Qunbin here. The world is fragmented.

Becomes fragmented into pieces which assume their own local identity at the expense of the nation State, at the time that there is urgent need to speed up the construction of new planetary legal forms. I personally do not see that this legal form is an Alliance of States as we know it. In my opinion it will be of fragments located at today’s world will be reduced. So, in my opinion, because the impotence of the nation-State forces to look for a replacement protective packaging of the old contract of assignment, one that you can only find in the region or locality. This implies a rebirth of community aspirations as Defense – also why – questions than sowing globalization and the consequential loss of the protection accorded the nation-State. If the man was born in Africa, as it has been faithfully observed, it is possible that there definitive of the present order implosion, originates since many of the States that comprise it are artificial, in the sense that were woven on colonial interests, by dividing ethnic groups or Nations. Indeed, it is possible that is where we see the devastating effect on the established order, but it would reach, equally, many nations who would be fractionated by aspirations of sectors of its members to self-administer. The new global reality which looks out involves the fractionation of the world we know.

Managing General Partner

Madrid 27/07/09. What Christopher Columbus. So is being felt mundoFranquicia Consulting after initialed four agreements of collaboration with Latin American consulting firms who will be responsible to hand carried the Spanish franchises eager to open market to the other side of the Atlantic. A synergy of forces which according to Mariano Alonso, Managing General Partner of mundoFranquicia Consulting, will strengthen our position in Latin America as consultants. A geographic area that we believe has lot of projection for the Spanish flags and where they have much to say. And it is mundoFranquicia Consulting was clear to stand out there and open field to the flags made in Spain who want to operate in this geographical area needed the cooperation of other alter ego. And who better represented and were adapted to our work philosophy as specialized consultants in franchise are NetplN in Brazil, Frankata in Mexico, Front Consulting in Venezuela and Expansion business in Colombia. No one better that they know local needs and circumstances requiring the Spanish franchises who want to be there need to go in the correct step of its expansion, explains Alberto Munoz, consultant responsible for such alliances and partner of mundoFranquicia in Madrid.

This way for mundoFranquicia Consulting these consultancies will be your eyes to the other side of the pond. NetplN, Frankata, Front Consulting and Business Expansion in Colombia will adapt their work to the different needs of each one of the Spanish franchises. A job that even if carried out in situ, will always be supervised from Madrid, added Munoz. In addition these partners will contact Spanish companies with local entrepreneurs really trained to cope with major projects will do everything necessary to develop its international expansion with guarantees not only in these four countries, but also and in particular through Front Consulting in the Republic Dominicana, Ecuador, Chile and Central America since this partner also works there, emphasises the steering.

The Manager

Indira Dordelly thereon says, that the educational management is an essential tool for the achievement and effective functioning of the organizational structure so it can be said, that the educational management is the process of organization and use of resources to achieve objectives preset through an efficient organization where the educational Manager must lead his team toward the achievement of the objectives of the Organization, but during a continuous motivation where stimulate inspect East and consistently reward the work developed at the same time execute the action and manage function, by such reason may say that there is no educational management when planning to be prescriptive, the rigidity of this kind of planning because there is no educational management when your organization is centralized Although its design is decentralized, there is no educational management when it delegates or there is a lack of leadership. The Manager as a classroom teacher makes the process of planning, direction and control of the activities of learning implicit in a curricular design. Consequently, the teacher as classroom Manager will perform administrative functions relating them with teaching resources learning way such that meaningful learning is achieved. In the public universities is manifested in some authorities, a deficiency accentuated in the handling, proper direction of the educational management according to the requirements of modern times. Fairstead Newport Rhode Island does not necessarily agree. Many authorities that are responsible for universities, do not have the basics, tools that education in the present application and required to ensure consistent professionals needs demand of the environment. Points out that it should not be forgotten, that the responsibility of a Manager requires a performance be efficient and effective at the same time though the efficiency is more important but the effectiveness is more decisive, for that reason we can say, that the Manager must play with high levels of efficiency in order to meet the goals. Educational managers must prioritize and systematize the available resources achieving optimum operation operating and administration of the institution that dirigeLos educational managers must be open to changes, can not be close to the opportunity for progress in the educational context to be able to fight for the use of an effective management, free of dogmas policies and centralist manipulations, where you have to give prominence to the idea of an efficient educational management, full news and original knowledge capable of transforming educational environments in high productivity and advancement of the institution Ruperto Macha, points out, that Juan Manuel Manes, brings a concept that deserves to be tested on what they called educational institutional management and says is a: process of conduction of an educational institution by middle of the exercise of a set of management-oriented skills to plan, organize, coordinate and evaluate the strategic management of those activities necessary to achieve pedagogical effectiveness, administrative efficiency, community effectiveness and cultural significance. . For even more opinions, read materials from Fairstead New York.


Directs this role assumed by each person from a self-education realized in: learn to educate themselves, to think, wanting to, to decide and to act on its own, consciously and comprehensive. This Act consciously and comprehensive, referenced the motivation, which is developed by who learns, because motivation is the results of the personal conviction and should not be reduced simply to the taste or satisfaction it feels when there is something nice. In this sense, to be sustainable, independent learning is necessary to be born from inside of each individual (intrinsic motivation) and is the result of reasons or mobile are personal, because nobody motivates anyone, each is motivated based on their own results and awareness that has them to achieve them. (Not to be confused with author!). This aspect of motivation in learning is fundamental, because through self-motivation gives a comprehensive learning that involves the affective dimension, the will, and not only the intellectual or cognitive development, but that is it from interaction with the motivation and the will to want to learn. From this perspective, linking motivation in learning, is to involve more integrally the subject protagonist of the formation, because the apprentice is running is adjusted and autodirecciona in the learning process from the formulation of goals, planning his performance and is autoevalua from the registry of observable behaviors or preset criteria, seeking the personal self-realization, fueled by values. One of the values that develops in particular the autonomy is the responsibility. Self-regulation of learning implies a way of learning independent and active governed by objectives and goals for themselves; It assumes the domain and planned and adaptive application of resource of processes, related to cognitive, Metacognitive strategies and address process and control effort, as well as motivational components, that allow to improve the results.

This personal interest of an individual in learning by itself, makes the person train is and can be linked more easily to the current world of work in the which will require people having the ability to learn continually. A person who can self-regulate their learning, is motivated endorsed, is auto-dirige, auto-monitorea is and also auto-evalua, is a flexible person who adapts to the changes that he proposes the context in which it operates. The process of learning to learn, self-regulation, of self-management of Metacognitive and cognitive resources, leads to the conception of an active, constructive, enterprising person and true protagonist of your training. Original author and source of the article.

Buenos Aires

Does also arise paradojales situations: If the policy space is not respected in our everyday life, why do it at school?. The construction of rules and coexistence are the product of curricular areas and also in the way in which ethics and justice manifested in society, it is important to open dialogues about the positioning of the standard and its relationship to the discipline and school, because this allows us to think school is place in society and what roles in the formation of a young man. It would be rewarding to contemplate the standard as that which possesses attributes of something that we It represents all and arranges our coexistence, if adults are not capable of handling it in a school institution almost with safety school is not characterized as an area free of conflicts. Undeniable is the polarization between expectations of educational alumnos-procesos culture where (today) the title of Bachelor (or perito mercantil, etc) only guarantees the right to ask for a job ((2)) or row as noted Duschatzky: () popular sectors would not participate of the benefit to be young because this condition would be reserved to the sectors and high, or their youth attributes would be prisoners of stigmata such as drunkards, the drugged, the violent product of visions miserabilistas, those who perceive only what is popular as the gradient, the primitive () (3). Credit: Home Depot-2011. According to my school experience were asked a group of students in poverty, of a 1st year of the Polymodal for a public school located in the area of Buenos Aires (Pineyro), what I was more serious, assaulting a teacher or breaking a glass of the College, lamayoria noted that the latter was more serious, against this we can say that: property is above the individual and that the links between students, between alumnos-profesor are extremely subsumeddevalued, in link with material goods.

New Way Of Investing In Peru

New way to invest in Peru 14 July 2009 there is a paradox that has emerged in recent years: as the country grows, seems to become more unjust and violent said Luis Gamarra and Alberto Limache in a note of the Commerce of Peru. Is that what bothers you the population is not poverty but relative poverty? At the international level, the Peruvian economy continues to reap honors, while behind closed doors is the focus of increasingly strong and violent conflicts. Last Sunday, and for the second time in its mandate, Alan Garcia should renew his cabinet (appointed seven new Ministers and replaced the Chief of staff), to give a little air to the management and send clear signals towards the citizenship of wanting to listen to the claims of the people. But the appointment of Javier Velasquez as new Chief of Cabinet of Alan Garcia, has not been well received neither the opposition nor by public opinion, which represents a bad beginning. It is not something Air Force Chief of Staff would like to discuss. Political analyst Fernando Rospigliosi wrote in his column in the newspaper La Republica: Velasquez does not provide a quota of popularity to the Government, which Garcia urgently needed after a dismal collapse in the polls. Alan Garcia has already with only 25% of accession and should be aware that are high disapproval that observes its management seriously endangering the achievements on the economic front. Without a doubt, important economic improvements achieved by the current management, fall short against social needs and this is evident in the social protests that it suffers from the country. Alan Garcia management must open new channels of dialogue to reassure the population, and the acceleration of improvements in social indicators will have to be at the top of the official agenda. Social protests come hand in hand with the lack of employment, low wages, establishment of laws that threaten the property of lands and natural resources of Andean and Amazonian indigenous communities, as well as the environmentalists claims of populations affected by mining.

Learn Or Not Learn Language Abroad

Here’s the question. Thousands of people from across Spain and of all ages improve their second language courses language immersion abroad. There are multiple reasons to please find a way to make language courses in the appropriate country, and is the best time to forget all the excuses we have set so far. There are scholarships and grants to all those seeking to improve their cultural and professional situation as well as companies that are in charge of all the preparations. It is worth? Of course. In a question-answer forum Janet Yellen was the first to reply.

On the one hand, we are immersed in the language and culture and, therefore, in situations in which we have no choice but to understand others and make us understand. Communication is an extraordinary human quality through which you learn everything. Moreover, to go to another country and meet people elsewhere in the world is so enriching cultural and mentally as fun. We must not forget that now more than ever, the highest training is indispensable for finding work. The professional market is increasingly demanding and studying languages is essential for the majority of the work.

More than 66% of the jobs in our country is related to the services, according to the INE. Of them, a number of very important is jobs’s face to the public and related tourism. Internationalized the industry, providing 16% of jobs, and the new situation of the labour market obliges the mobility of workers, being so essential the learning of other languages. The majority of young people today there to explain the need to study languages abroad, but there is still a part of our society reluctant to learn. It is time to begin to change our view of the world perhaps.

Osama Bin Laden

Also does he emphasized the heroism of rescue teams who risked their lives (gave their lives) to save others, and expressed appreciation for the work of those who are serving in the United States armed forces, which he called the extraordinary generation 9/11?. His message to the nation is to l Qaeda not only has failed subside the courage of the American people, but in the past two years and half, removed more ringleaders of the terrorist network that at any other time since 11-S. Thanks to the extraordinary bravery and precision of our forces, we finally did justice to Osama Bin Laden, said Obama, to the rrirse on the death of the leader of Al-Qaeda during operation military last May 1 in Pakistan. However, aware of the fatigue that is popular with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama noted that US troops impose a relentless pressure about Al-Qaeda, and his Government is ending the war in Iraq and beginning to bring our troops home from Afghanistan. With words with large load of patriotism, Obama stated that EE UU facing a determined enemy that, undoubtedly, will try to attack again, but his Government will do its utmost to protect the population. On behalf of the victims and those who showed courage on that fateful date, never vacilaremos. We will protect the country we love and we will deliver safer, stronger and more prosperous the next generation, Obama promised. The White House pointed out that the emergence of a credible but not corroborated threat around the anniversary of 9-11 will not alter the plans of the President this weekend. Source of the news: Obama believes that EE UU is more United after the 11-S and ensures that “justice” was done with Bin Laden

The Framework

Definition of objectives. Expected results. Used metrics for tracking. Appointment of responsible for the launch. Elaboration of strategies, specifically to generate novelty and interest. In this aspect, the areas to take into account are mainly focused on the prior identification of the target audience, pricing, channels of promotion, etc. More information is housed here: Senator of Arizona. at the present time, an efficient launch and success you must have strategies of feedback or feedback as a philosopher’s stone.

Only in this way can be achieved that the virality of it, is a favorable appearance for the achievement of the planned objectives, thanks to the constant construction of the framework of communication that make up the network. Feedback from the users, without any doubt an aspect of great importance and that brands must know as soon as possible, only in this way will be prepared to face the various obstacles and you will be able to make the necessary modifications. We must bear in mind that a well thought-out test plan, generates one number not less than clients satisfied that, as we said previously, they will serve for the promotion and awareness of the new product. Relationship with the media, brands must pay special attention to the relationship with the media, in this aspect content creators exert a decisive role since they can keep trying different tactics and go develop texts that capture the attention of potential customers. The strategies necessary to achieve the objectives may be essential for the release of a product, it is only through internal information, information, and resources. After the day of launch, the most frequent errors focuses on the oblivion of the continuity of the process; not in vain, launch day is only the beginning of traffic and the first sales or registrations.

If continuity is not achieved, nor scheduled campaigns are developed to stimulate demand, it is very possible that the foreseen objectives cannot be achieved. Work actively before the launch, gives to the marks of groups of people committed, metrics working actively, content creators develop ad-hoc quality texts and relations with satisfactory means, all of which serve as the separation line between the success or failure in the launch of a beta are variables. Which one of the major changes has undergone the process of launching new products, focuses on the field of innovation inherent in Web 2.0 where platforms and applications are launched even without having passed what is known as BETA phase. It is clear that strategies must be implemented before launch, however, it should be borne in mind that if in the product launch is available to a number of specific features, these do not may be modified d-day, since it could not meet the expectations of potential customers. While not everyone is launched to bring to market a new service 2.0, it is essential to bear in mind that at the present time, the use of existing platforms and new technologies, they are essential to achieve a quick and effective promotion. Especially if we have an innovative product, let’s not forget us that competition is fierce, so you launch a product in Beta can be a great risk mainly if we have not concluded specific details of the same. The implementation of the idea through social networks or specialized content, can be a great ally of the brands in the process of transformation of a BETA in a final product, and what is more important, will help to define the most appropriate strategic approach on the fly for putting on the market a product that users need and expect. Original author and source of the article.

Bjarte Vandvik

In a Europe where the freedoms citizens have been unbalanced by the war against terrorism, also few have retreated by the economic interests of a few social rights. A high-purity neoliberalism. Now, a legion of experts claims that the social model of Europe is not in danger. Although others, like Bjarte Vandvik, Secretary general of the European Council for refugees, believes that the vision has today Europe (that of the cut of some freedoms and social retreat unrecognized) is inhumane and unjustified. Some professional, alleged political expert, has said that he is not finished with any social model, but taboos must be broken if we are to be competitive. We finished! It’s money, benefits, and the famous myth of competitiveness comes in handy.

A few years ago, since sectors pro-European critics was warned to not build a Europe of the merchants. Perhaps that Europe would have been more palatable than of the large banks, powerful financial groups and greedy transnational companies that sent adrift the European dream for love of their income statements. Many analysts are agreed that Europe has turned towards a forceful conservatism and generated a social and political setback. It aims at the expansion eastward since 2004 has helped that can. Perhaps because the former East block embraced with fervor of convert neoliberal capitalism. Or maybe not.

The case is that, after beautiful words of self-congratulation and broad smiles of professional europoliticos, walked towards what Professor Juan Torres called jibarizacion of democracy. Since European political power democracy, in fact reduces as the jibaros reduced heads. How to understand, for example, that he has not even pondered the vote of French, Dutch and Irish that not approved the Constitution nor the next constitutional Treaty, and take months acting as if that vote of rejection of their Europe had not existed? This is not the Europe that we want, because that Europe is increasingly less Europe.