Minden Real Estate

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Briefs: One morning, walking along the beach, my feet, sand and the sea, suddenly, I sensed the immensity, the perception and I were one and together, the universe. One morning, walking along the beach, my feet, the sand and the sea. Story that he is the origin of the so-called sons of God from their status of eternal intelligences. Our Heavenly parents organized our spiritual bodies such as we earthly parents, we organize the physical bodies of those who are sent to our world called Earth in order that they can continue with their progress through the discovery and development of his divine attributes. Now, how was the principle?, the beginning of our history as beings conscious of his individuality? the Scriptures speak of a Council in heaven where all were consulted, the acceptance of a Plan of salvation and of the consequences of the Lucifer rebellion, the great battle of the heavens and the subsequent expulsion of a third of the children of God. Nothing He tells us in terms of our first experiences as organised beings, we know that we distinguiamos by our intelligence and nobility, in the book of Abraham, Chapter 3, we read the following: and the Lord said unto me: these two facts exist: there are two spirits, and one is more intelligent than the other; There will be another more intelligent than them; I am the Lord thy God, I am smarter than all of them (3: 19) I dwell in the midst of them all; Therefore, I have now descended to let you know the works that my hands have done, so my wisdom outbid them all them, because Kingdom in the heavens above and below on Earth, with all wisdom and prudence, over all the intelligences thine eyes have seen from the beginning; I down on the principle in the midst of all the intelligences that you’ve seen.