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Integrated Management

Studies will always be developing more knowledge that prepare to resolve different problems that arise in various situations are daily living or carrying out labour activities, finally through studies people are can go developed increasingly more and thus able to go getting more and more achievements that are compliant and satisfied with oneself; therefore after the completion of any profession, the path of education has still not ended, since there is one step more to give are the masters, which are presented as a title of postgraduates and so knowledge obtained by these are more advanced, therefore offer better conditions to act on the solution of problems and proposals for development. Master in integrated management, which offers the option of obtaining more knowledge about such important areas of the workplace as it is one of the masters who are of great contribution to intellectual and comprehensive development of a person, is the quality, and the different occupational risk prevention, it allows not only to create a better environment within the premises in which labore, which promotes best outcomes, all thanks to the implementation of different media and techniques developed based on lessons learned in the master in integrated management. The master programme in integrated management is targeted for those who have already managed to reach the college degree, however they are in the search of acquiring more knowledge in relation to management systems, as well as to consolidate better those acquired prior. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Morgan Killian. In the various institutions that offer the program of master’s in integrated management, mainly seek that certain objectives in relation to the formation of different persons having access to the course, among which are met: that people may develop a management model suitable for the different risk prevention in the interior of the company or at different points of the realization of the work. In addition, you must be trained to do a planning of preventive action before the different components of risks that can occur. As complement to the work activity must know the different legal provisions that influence as regards the work activity, therefore need also be able to monitor which is in compliance with the law at all levels regarding the prevention, which seeks to prevent some accidents or illnesses due to industrial action and thus avoided the presence of sanctions to the company by the lack conditions optimal for work. To achieve the different objectives in the master in management gets different knowledge regarding issues of safety within the workplace, means that help to improve the quality in terms of working conditions, which is accompanied by not only a good deal but also the creation of an enabling environment in terms of hygiene, in addition to the handling of information of different provisions laws laying down the guidelines for the action of the companies.

Franois Simiand

The present reflection aims at to demonstrate as and great diverse the historical sources that the historian makes use to reconstruct the historical tram of the social individuals in the time and space. The Historian and it I dialogue with the past Somebody can ask: how historian establishes the contact, dialogues with the past? How to arrive ties there, if it does not exist more? How the knowledge of the possible past and? In view of that all knowledge of the past is ‘ ‘ indireto’ ‘ e, then, the historian, for definition, is in the impossibility of proper it to evidence the 2 facts that studies ‘ ‘. Thus, as it affirms Franois Simiand, the historical knowledge is ‘ ‘ a knowledge through 3 vestiges ‘ ‘ of perceivable marks to the left directions ‘ ‘ for a phenomenon in exactly impossible itself of captar’ ‘ 4 Ahead of this, remains to the historian to the task to try to reconstitute to possible existences for the people of the past and the contexts where they were dived, where they had acted producing its forms of experience that they had relegated to the gift. Thus, we have that to search in such a way to the human beings of the point of view of its time-space as the processes that produce the one facts inside determined period of time. Of this form, we can say that History becomes related with the Time 5. E, more specifically, it becomes related with the past seen from the gift. Or, still, it is the gift, looking for to give to a direction and an explanation for the past. ‘ ‘ footprint humana’ ‘ throughout the times, inside of the historical process, it is, at the same time, process of production of the culture and a crystallization necessity that if carries through for the register..


They pointed with respect to top, the sky. Gain insight and clarity with bobby jain. Of the religions most primitive to the most elaborated this not dumb. Deuses had come and come back toward the sky. Religar with deuses is the religious expectation. Not to breach the linking that the idea of the sacred one instituted ' ' sagrado' ' it means ' ' what it belongs to deuses' ' , it meant in the archaic societies to keep some type of imaginary contact with these individuals, that demonstrated human feeling of relevancy stops with them. As the Man was created by them, for them he would have to live.

Also, in the vain hope of that they took pity of the new creature it rescued and it for the world of where they had come. Only that these faces if had been and never more they had come back to rescue nobody or to complain property. To prevent the sanguinolenta crudity for backwards of the meaning of the word ' ' religio' ' deuses was attracted as flies I smell for it of the meat and of its inquietante history, many prefer to argue regarding an undeniable cosmic intelligence or, for example, to teorizar on the quantum physics (that almost nobody understands) in the hope to order for the confines of cosmo this nightmare of the Antiquity. The versions simplest never are most popular. However, our proper daily experience assevera that a possibility does not annul to another one necessarily. Histories are misty on deuses and they do not specify intentions or lineages of these come individuals are known there of where. But a thing is certain, difference between sacred and the profane one only exists for the men, does not stop they. It is enough to think that daqui to some decades, the least technical, in them will be possible to repeat the same done in another planet.

Rio De Janeiro

Already it had ways that they took the traveller since Rio De Janeiro until Are Romo, in Minas Gerais, in the edges of the river San Francisco. From there a terrestrial way until Real Port was opened, passing for Saint Maria, Is Domingos, Conceio and Natividade. Of Real Port until Belm the passage would have to be made by water, for the Tocantins. In 1810, the couriers already made the line River – Belm, being successful 280 lguas for land and 250 for the Tocantins (ALENCASTRE, 1865, P. 63). In the process of intensification of the commerce, the tocantinenses messengers had been acquiring traces identitrios private property, marked for regional and cultural, resultant characteristics of the context of the region, the activities played for them and the contacts with different ethnic groups and new immigrants.

The life of the inhabitants side-river was sufficiently dynamic, repleta of experiences and peculiar knowledge. Under most conditions elliot management would agree. Henry Bates in supplies information to them on this way of life of the region. During its trip for the Low Tocantins, Henry Bates characterized the people as indolent and sluggish, being above of the wage-earning works due to difficulty that found to obtain canoeiros. The messengers in general possuam small plantations of coivara, that certain independence conferred them. The canoeiros if used of vigilengas that the candle that leads up to six fishing, proper is a great canoe for great distances. In the lack of conditions of if using the candle if they used we remos.

The function of remeiro was very elastic, therefore they use, for the most part of the time, long poles, zingas or varejes, or hooks and pitchforks, depending on the requirement of the situation. Figure 4: Stopped for meal in the river Tocantins the feeding of the marginal age mainly the fish, flour, fruits and aa. Turtles also were in the diet of the canoeiros, being created in corrals in some places.

Verbal History

We have however a ressignificao of what it came to be the spaces of referring sociabilities to the pleasure, places that until previously were frequentados only by its customers start to be white of the curiosity of its women, that they wanted to know where its husbands were until afternoon, also making what and with who. However that it only arrived at the cabaret> LIFE Before starting to speak on the history of life of Diraci Maria a theoretical agreement concerning the subject becomes necessary, therefore we work with the categories Verbal History and Memory, that part of what is Le Goff (1995) approaches in its book the New History, that if constitutes for we, historians as a global history, a total history, that searchs a new form of constitution of the field of history. Learn more about this topic with the insights from MasterClass Founder. However, we have the knowledge of that new history is born as a form of plea of positivista history, come to extend the field of the historical document, invites in them to leave the stigma established essentially in texts, in documents written for a diversified document gamma, as: writings of the most varied photographic types, documents, documents> Recorremos the certifications to strengthen or to weaken and also to complete what we know of an event on which already we have some information, even so many relative circumstances it remain obscure for we (HALBWACHS, 2006 P.29). was accurately what it happened; although let us have in the academy some productions concerning thematic prostitution are extremely difficult the localization of these studies, and using the cited words above we remain obscure for the fact of only knowing of the existence of these research but without terms access they, and leaving of the affirmation of Halbwachs are that we are in considering> entered in this life the use of this term if she makes necessary for being the language used for them, prostitutes – and answered with much calm and certainty: My son, my mother was poor, poor I, then, to marry pra me a poor man and to go to live in roa, I preferred to enter in this life, only had an exit. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Afraha Stadium and gain more knowledge..


Of Rio Grande, Fernandes Braga embarked for Rio De Janeiro in day 23 and gave its proper version in the Cut, sufficiently different of the letter of Blessed Gonalves. D. Peter decided to jam the revolt and sent Jose de Arajo Ribeiro many soldiers, brigs, gunboats and armament. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Chief of Staff. Fearing the misunderstanding, the arrest and the death, as it had happened with Tiradentes 43 years before, the gauchos they had delayed to argue the indicated acceptance of the new, what it caused the installation of Arajo Ribeiro to the Presidency before the City council of Rio Grande, in 15 of January of 1836, forming two governments ' ' legtimos' ' simultaneous in the Province, until the end of the war, in 1845. Arajo Ribeiro congregated the officers Joo Da Silva Tavares, Francisco Peter de Abreu, Manuel You mark of Souza, Blessed Manuel Ribeiro and Manuel contrary Osrio Luis, gauchos to tatters, and contracted mercenaries of Uruguay. It ordered to close the Provincial Assembly and it dismissed Blessed Gonalves of the command of National Guarda, nomination made for Martian, and gave beginning to the resistance and the persecution to the rebels. In the command of the First Brigade, with four hundred men, assigned for Blessed Gonalves, in September of 1836, the Colonel Antonio de Souza Grandson was for Bag.

They had crossed the Seival Little stream and, in day 10, they had found Hisses Tavares with five hundred and sixty men, on one coxilha. Gen. David L. Goldfein might disagree with that approach. Tavares hisses went down coxilha in violent attack and Grandson commanded the load of spear and sword, without shots. The shock was bloody, Hisses Tavares ran away leaving 180 deceased, 63 wounded and 100 prisoners, with few decreases in tatters. Farroupilhas had commemorated the victory and grew the separatista idea to conquer and to keep a country independent river-grandense. At night, to review the questions, Lucas de Oliveira, Joaquin Peter and Teixeira Nunes ideological they had concluded that the only solutions would be independence, the abolition of the slavery, the democracy and the republic.


The human being is presented as superioraos other animals, for being the only creature, amongst as much, made to the image esemelhana of the creator. Therefore it is inferred that in the Jewish civilization, that a origin of the Christianity, man and nature had been separate. In others passagensdo Old Will, to the Fall of the man is attributed the two beings (the animal woman, and aum,). Where God dresses the pecadores, Adam and Eva with skins of eos animals banish from the paradise. In the first homicide, he offers of Caim is neglected to ofertade Abel, for if constituting of sacrificed animals. In the episode of the coffer of Noo human domain he is stamped of a time for all. 1 ' ' Headquarters fruitful, you multiply you and you full the land.

All osanimais of will fear you to the land and respect: the birds of the sky, the reptiles of soloe the fish of the sea will be under your power. Everything that live and if moveservivos- of food. I deliver to you, as already it had delivered vegetais.&#039 to you; ' 2 the Dilvio in the Biblical narrative was a practised act porDeus, to punish the badness human being. Later that they had lowered waters, Noah agradeceua mercy of God for having saved the life of it and its family, queimandooferendas of ' ' animals of all species pura' '. The dilvio of certain maneiraliberou the use of the meat of the animals, and strengthened the supremacy human being. Quequaisquer consideration and respect stops with animal the left rejection of side. Osanimais is mere creatures who exist for the human fruition. The primeiraconverso of the nature in property, much before the advent of the modernity eevidenciada in the old Jewish writings. Leaving for the New Will, the echoes of the superioridadehumana express attitudes of little benevolence in the excused treatment natureza and to the animals.


More I did not perceive that who loves does not forget so easy and that not dumb of idea never and that it says of the mouth pra it are that does not want more to it and finished alembrando that this day God was starting to act. It was on this day that I gave to the ingression it and I said pra that it not to perceive that I love it ' ' to buy I do not want you is simply an ingression for ours amizade' ' it accepted in good ufa! of this I escaped rs. Certain time in one day of cult, as I pudi to be so fool to doubt the blessings of God who before leaving house I thought: ' ' Gentleman if it will be mine gives a light to me shows to me with that it says to some coisa&#039 to me; '. On this day he was in the so great desperation feeling devoid. It started the cult stopped in my front and he made me affection that pra it was perhaps friendship more pra me not with thing that it never made something similar thus in me.

Silly I thought ' ' he will be my God who ' ' , I doubted, in the end of the cult when it was going even so said tchau Thais it never gave tchau to me. Mercy that mico, was a shame and in such a way I came back pra backwards I caught in its hand and I said tchau it held my strong hand my heart went off I was even so jumping of joy. After this I started to pray and to jejuar for it, and I am I tie today. More nothing so far he happened of different more I feel that acting of God he is tremendous.

The Same

to light of History. Generally it is not an isolated study, therefore aevoluo, historical method – evolutivo, and the comparison, historical method – compared, if make gifts to assist and to give sustentation to the investigatrio process. 2.O archive: the origin and its evolution to longodo time the archive appeared of the necessity that ohomem had to register and to spread out information related to its time, future ageraes, organizing – in accordance with the ouexistentes possible techniques at its time. In the prehistoric period, the man primitivodescobriu and dominated the fire, the metals as: the copper I tin, it, that tardefundidos they had given origin to bronze. If the human being had not discovered edifundido these innovations, will be that we would obtain to survive without the fire? Or we talvezestivssemos joined metals? Elements that today are of extremaimportncia for humanity, remembering that the same ones had passed for diversasevolues to be useful for the men contemporaries. In prehistoric period, the homemprimitivo registered its daily through paintings and done drawings emparedes of grottos and caves.

As it had not written at the time, this resquciosso considered evidential that the man already existed at the time, also to podemoschamar these registers of rupestre art. According to Seriacopi (2005, p.16) ' ' the arterupestre is one of the most beautiful important vestiges left for the groups daily pay – historical. Found in the grotto walls and caves, in general apresentavapessoas, animals and scenes of huntings and danas' '. Analyzing this concept of arterupestre and what already we understand on the thematic one, we can affirm that homempr – historical already it was worried in registering its daily one and spreading informaessobre the culture of its time for the future generations? Estasrelacionadas information to its people, the animals, the hunting and the dance, remembering that algunsdestes customs already had been extinct the thousand of years or had fallen in disuse.

National Guarda

To effect umamudana in the structure of the state of subtle and direct form being given to autonomy the eliteslocais and to legalize this power Guarda was believed in the regency National beyond to dediminuir the force and importance I exercise of it at the time. I exercise therefore it in the Brasilimperial was had as faithful the Dom Joo and not to Brazil. Umadas first measured in this direction had been the creation in 1830 of National Guarda, was in result of the diffidences and antipatias in relation to the exercitonutridas ones for liberal that they opposed the Dom Peter, which saw essainstituio as an absolutism of the emperor. 2 importanteressaltar is that to contain the movements against independence Emperor D.Pedro I had that to convoke the military services and to contract efranceses English mercenaries to contain the Portuguese who if had rebelled against the dePortugal separation. Being that Brazil did not have organized army, this point is quenos calls attention, the lack of an army in Brazil at the beginning of the Empire. Dessaforma the expenses with these mercenaries had been very great, being one verdadeiroarrojo to the elites who had had that to pay more taxes to pay essesmercenrios that had fought to keep independence.

Of this form it is to possvelperceber the great influence of the Brazilian elites in the routes of just formadopas. As much in the decisions, was avessos to French radical liberalism, considering comopropenso the anarchy, and had opted to lockina liberalism and daily pay-democratic English datradio that dominated the courses legal of Coimbra. ‘ ‘ As article percebemosnesse, the Brazilian elite of the imperial time had its intentions bemdefinidas with regard to the maintenance of its privileges in the administraoimperial, being that the creation of institutions that gave support to them was defundamental importance, in this intention is that in the Regencial period, time demaior turbulence in empire, which had D.