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The human being is presented as superioraos other animals, for being the only creature, amongst as much, made to the image esemelhana of the creator. Therefore it is inferred that in the Jewish civilization, that a origin of the Christianity, man and nature had been separate. In others passagensdo Old Will, to the Fall of the man is attributed the two beings (the animal woman, and aum,). Where God dresses the pecadores, Adam and Eva with skins of eos animals banish from the paradise. In the first homicide, he offers of Caim is neglected to ofertade Abel, for if constituting of sacrificed animals. In the episode of the coffer of Noo human domain he is stamped of a time for all. 1 ' ' Headquarters fruitful, you multiply you and you full the land.

All osanimais of will fear you to the land and respect: the birds of the sky, the reptiles of soloe the fish of the sea will be under your power. Everything that live and if moveservivos- of food. I deliver to you, as already it had delivered vegetais.&#039 to you; ' 2 the Dilvio in the Biblical narrative was a practised act porDeus, to punish the badness human being. Later that they had lowered waters, Noah agradeceua mercy of God for having saved the life of it and its family, queimandooferendas of ' ' animals of all species pura' '. The dilvio of certain maneiraliberou the use of the meat of the animals, and strengthened the supremacy human being. Quequaisquer consideration and respect stops with animal the left rejection of side. Osanimais is mere creatures who exist for the human fruition. The primeiraconverso of the nature in property, much before the advent of the modernity eevidenciada in the old Jewish writings. Leaving for the New Will, the echoes of the superioridadehumana express attitudes of little benevolence in the excused treatment natureza and to the animals.