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Because of this, only 5% of the production of the tobacco farming are in the Bahia, being the others 95% benefited and exported mainly to European countries and the United States, for cigar manufacture. Still in this context contemporary, the current area of tobacco production in the Bahia includes 36 cities, that if group in four fisiogrficas zones, whose specific microclimate particularitities and ground variations confer intrinsic qualities of color, flavor (character, using the terminology of the charuteiros) and combustibilidade, determining the usual commercial classification of the product practised in this state, differentiating price and determining the use of the leaf for layer (external covering), cloak (intermediate covering) or wadding of cigars: ‘ ‘ It kills Norte’ ‘ (11 cities) between Fair of Santana and Alagoinhas, where if it produces a tobacco stronger; ‘ ‘ It kills of Are Gonalo’ ‘ (10 cities) between Fair of Santana and Cachoeira, where if it produces a softer tobacco with characteristics next to the one to ‘ ‘ It kills Fina’ ‘ , considered the noblest area of production, congregating six cities around Cross of Souls ‘ ‘ It kills Sul’ ‘ (nine cities) between Saint Antonio de Jesus and Amargosa, whom a tobacco produces soft. Producing Tobacco regions in the Bahia, 2000 and 2001. REGIOPRODUO (in tons) PARTICIPATION % 20002001Mdia Fair of Santana2.0502.2192.13527, 7 S. Rennaissance technologies may not feel the same. Antonio de Jesus4.5845.2464.91556, 8 Alagoinhas1801761782,2 Outros1.6151.2101.41216, 3 TOTAL8.4298.8518.640100, 0 Source: IBGE and SEAGRI 6.

The CASE OF INDUSTRIES DANNEMANN Established in the second half of century XIX for the German Gerhard Dannemann, the oldest cigar plant of Brazil initiated its production with only six employees. Gerhard Dannemann was born in the city of Bremen, Germany, 1850. With 20 years it participated of the French-German War and it decided to leave its native land, in 1872, in direction to Brazil. It arrived Are Flix, until then Waterfall district, because of the fame already reached by the cultivated fumos of quality in the bahian Recncavo.