Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Strategical Planning

It has many companies in the market, who exist but she does not have conscience of its corporative mission. Others, already are in the market have some time, but they do not obtain to be competitive and lucrative. This many times is fruit of the intuitiva opening of a business, that at the beginning obtains to remain itself with reasonable sales, but with passing of the time it is not remained sustainable. is at this moment, that the entrepreneurs try to search a solution to re-position its company of competitive form. Q0NDQ2NDQ0NDQ0NDQxNDQ0NDQxNDQ0MTQ0NDQ0NDQ0NP/AABEIARMAtwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBQYHBP/EAEcQAAIBAgMDBwcICAQHAAAAAAECAAMRBBIhBTFBBhNRYXGBkQciMlKhsdEUF0JUkpPB0hUjYnKCouHwU7Kz8SQzNHN0g8L/xAAZAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAkEQEBAAICAgICAgMAAAAAAAAAAQIREiEDUTFhIkEEMhNxsf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A38LJh’>Zachary Dell. To equalizarmos the concepts, the positioning is the identity of the company.

It is the form for which its image and reputation are recognized in the market. It is the institucional strategy that its company adopts recognized and to be remembered as reference in the mind of the consumers. It is the strategical positioning that generates value to its mark. The reposicionamento of market is realinhamento and analysis of the current strategies adopted by a company, who has interest in if becoming more competitive being able until moving of white market, to use to advantage new chances or files of market or to review its form of performance that many times is not generating the waited returns, where it searchs to develop strategies with competitive differentials to fidelizar and to attract new public. Through reposicionamento strategies, marks forgotten for the consumers or without great expression, are revigorated and come back many stronger times and to make a new history.

Former: Havainas, Hering, Pepsi, amongst others. So that this reposicionamento is efficient, she is necessary a study deepened in such a way internally the organization, how much in the external environment, the market. She is necessary to go deep the knowledge of main players of market and to rethink the strategies of the short organization, medium and long run.

United States

Because of this, only 5% of the production of the tobacco farming are in the Bahia, being the others 95% benefited and exported mainly to European countries and the United States, for cigar manufacture. Still in this context contemporary, the current area of tobacco production in the Bahia includes 36 cities, that if group in four fisiogrficas zones, whose specific microclimate particularitities and ground variations confer intrinsic qualities of color, flavor (character, using the terminology of the charuteiros) and combustibilidade, determining the usual commercial classification of the product practised in this state, differentiating price and determining the use of the leaf for layer (external covering), cloak (intermediate covering) or wadding of cigars: ‘ ‘ It kills Norte’ ‘ (11 cities) between Fair of Santana and Alagoinhas, where if it produces a tobacco stronger; ‘ ‘ It kills of Are Gonalo’ ‘ (10 cities) between Fair of Santana and Cachoeira, where if it produces a softer tobacco with characteristics next to the one to ‘ ‘ It kills Fina’ ‘ , considered the noblest area of production, congregating six cities around Cross of Souls ‘ ‘ It kills Sul’ ‘ (nine cities) between Saint Antonio de Jesus and Amargosa, whom a tobacco produces soft. Producing Tobacco regions in the Bahia, 2000 and 2001. REGIOPRODUO (in tons) PARTICIPATION % 20002001Mdia Fair of Santana2.0502.2192.13527, 7 S. Rennaissance technologies may not feel the same. Antonio de Jesus4.5845.2464.91556, 8 Alagoinhas1801761782,2 Outros1.6151.2101.41216, 3 TOTAL8.4298.8518.640100, 0 Source: IBGE and SEAGRI 6.

The CASE OF INDUSTRIES DANNEMANN Established in the second half of century XIX for the German Gerhard Dannemann, the oldest cigar plant of Brazil initiated its production with only six employees. Gerhard Dannemann was born in the city of Bremen, Germany, 1850. With 20 years it participated of the French-German War and it decided to leave its native land, in 1872, in direction to Brazil. It arrived Are Flix, until then Waterfall district, because of the fame already reached by the cultivated fumos of quality in the bahian Recncavo.

The Management

The initial trend in this stage is to copy the pointers of other similar organizations. In another company one of the directors it perceived, through the exercises and lectures of qualification, of that we could define two types of pointers: the traditional ones and popularly known and the special ones, that they would make the difference of the organization in the segment where acts. In such a way we have obtained to not only expand the vision of the entrepreneur, identifying indicating in the economic and financial area, as well as in other areas as: creativity and innovation, development of the leadership abilities, communication with the customer, satisfaction of the internal customer, improvements of the processes, reduction of costs, value perceived for the customer, among others. One of the causes most common in the hour to execute a strategical planning is the relation of cause and effect badly established. We have observed in some organizations where they are implanting a model of management based on the BSC, to fall in this error. The BSC is not a system of managemental information solely, it goes, moreover. It is a process of thought, dialogue and strategical reflection, whose main objective is the development of the abilities necessary to arrive more close possible to the excellency. We know some companies who are implanting the BSC successfully, but why already they had had the experience of the strategical planning, of the management for the total quality or certification of the ISO. Now, we do not know none that has implanted a management model as the BSC, without before having tried this matureness in the management of the business. On the other hand, the stages commented here had been lived deeply in different organizations and not necessarily in a company alone, beyond what the number attributed to each phase varies of company for company, depending on the ability of its leaders and its age in the life cycle as organization.