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—- Scientists first discovered the fish peacemakers: they distract predators from hunting Australian scientists have discovered that some fish have so-called peace-keeping abilities. Thus, marine fish wrasse can divert from the hunting and ‘pacify’ predatory fish, cleaning their parasites. Wrasse – a group of sea fish with bright colors – powered by parasites, eating them from the body surface of other large fish. Contact information is here: mayo clinic. In this fish-‘klienty ‘- as herbivores and predators – do not touch their cleaners and can even go into his mouth. It is known that the habitat of an ordinary doctor-wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) occur very rarely attack predatory fish. In all likelihood, the fact that the wrasse to help build coral reefs a kind of ‘truce zone’ …

—- Environmentalists urged to limit meat consumption to four portions a week people should continue to limit themselves to four modest portions of meat and one liter of milk a week if the world wants to avoid disastrous climate change, says a new report. The report Food Climate Research Network, based at the University of Surrey, says that in general, food consumption should be reduced. In particular, this applies to products having ‘low nutritional value’, such as alcohol, sweets and chocolates. Hear other arguments on the topic with Wang Qunbin. The study urges people to return to habits their mothers and grandmothers who buy seasonal produce, cooked in large portions saucepans with lids, and in a pressure cooker and tried to avoid waste. The report authors go further in previous studies concerns over the fact that the livestock industry is associated with emissions of gases greenhouse effect and rising food prices … —- Arctic ice 20 million years older than previously thought, scientists say new computer model of climate change, developed by a group of British and U.S. scientists shows that the Arctic ice cap appeared 20 million years earlier than previously thought, according to a published study, the journal Nature.

These data will better understand the history of climate and therefore, better predict its changes in the future. According to generally accepted ideas, the polar ice caps at the poles of the planet appeared at different times – in Antarctic glaciation occurred about 33.6 million years ago, early Oligocene (the era that began 33.9 million years ago and ended with 23.03 million years ago). But the ice around the North Pole, as previously thought, began to appear about 31 million years later – in the late Pliocene (age, which began 5.3 million years ago and ended 1.8 million years ago) … —- Release Distribution: 317 issue a weekly mailing of environmental ECOportal.