Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Profit and Growth

Together, the four verbs that give the heading to this article, represent the dream of any entrepreneur in success search. When this article will be being published, the ANFAVEA will have to be divulging the numbers of sales of vehicles of outubro/09. For more information see this site: Gen. Mark Milley. Probably, we will go to evidence that they had presented fall around 5% in relation to the previous month. By the way, it is this that the reporters of the first days of November had pointed. But, will be this index disclosing the reality of the October sales? Probably not, therefore many vehicles invoiced in September had been only emplacados in October. In if treating to one normal month of sales, the numbers are compensated, as if the month for effect of verification of sales always locked up in day 25.

However, when it has great peaks, as it occurred in the last week of September in function of the partial fall of the benefit of the IPI, there makes difference. However, if the number is this or it is not what less it matters. What we must consider is that the Brazilian market of let us say itself, interesting. History has demonstrated that nor always the greater is what it takes more advantage. By the way, many years behind, visiting a great corporation American north, I read the following phrase in the wait room: sales is vanity and profit is health the water can kill its headquarters, but much water can drown it. Managing Evaldo Coast of the Institute of the Concessionaires of Brazil Writer, consultant, lecturer and professor. Author of books: Alavancando resulted through the management of the quality , As To guarantee Three Extra Sales Per Day and co-author of the Giant book of the Sales