Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Mortgage Issues

The current level of credit sales of Ukrainian real estate market is not pleased by any bank. Mortgage market over the past two years, actively exploring the most powerful financial groups of European origin. Their interest based on data from experts who have shown real growth in demand for mortgage loans in the period 2002-2006g.g. Over the past three years, the Ukrainian banking market has gone quite a few of the largest financial groups with cheaper finance resources, based on profits, and real estate market began to "adapt" to new conditions. House price growth was driven by several factors, but most important was the significant increase economy, which is aligned to a "mortgage business".

Of course the buyer knew that if he did not buy an apartment now and immediately, no matter what, even at that price could rise apartment for a few hours on a couple of thousand dollars, to carry out his desire to have a couple of weeks will not be able have never And then the opportunity to get a mortgage with payments for 25-30 years. Of course, I buy! According to experts of the Agency's real estate Victoria and By "value of the average loan for the purchase of 1-room apartments in Kiev for the borrower ranged from 25-40 thousand dollars, and now we justify this number: 40.000 U.S. dollars is divided into 25 years – we pay U.S. $ 133.33 / a month, "the loan principal, this amount is the same throughout the term of the loan and add interest on the use of credit.