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Four Steps For The Cure

2 Kings 5. 1-3; ' ' NAAM, captain of the army of the king of the Syrian, was a great man ahead of its Sir, and much respect; because for it gives release to you to the Syrians; was this man hero valoroso, however leprous. had left troops the Syrian, the land of Israel, and had taken canine tooth a girl who was to the service of the woman of Naam.E said this to its lady: Before mine Sir was ahead of the prophet who is in Samaria; it would restore it of its lepra' '. We go to study through the life of Naam as to reach the miracle of the cure for ours vidas.1.QUEM AGE NAAM (v.1). This man was captain exercises of it of the Syrian, celebrity and great concept between its people. However he was leprous. Many people are rich, famous, other anonymous poor persons and, however all need cura.2.

LOOKING THE CURE. (v. 6,7). The king of the Syrian ordered letter for the king of Israel to cure Naam. If you have read about Lord Peter Hennessy already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The example of Naam many people are looking cure in wrong places and with the wrong people. Real cure only Jesus can dar.3. Contact information is here: Bob Swan.

BUYING THE CURE. (v. 5). Naam thought that it could buy a miracle. Many are paying for miracles that never are become fullfilled, there if decepcionam.4. GOING TO THE CERTAIN PLACE, WITH THE CERTAIN PERSON, THE CERTAIN ATTITUDE. (v. 9 -14). The miracle happened in the life of Naam when it was until the prophet of God instead of going to the king, when it was humiliated and obeyed the word of Eliseu.APLICAO prophet: If you want a miracle in its life gives heard the Word of God, (exactly that God uses a child to indicate the prophet. as in the case of Naam). It obeys the God without questioning, miracles nobody explains, miracles you has that to believe, miracles are beyond the rational field. Naam almost loses the blessing for finding that the rivers of its land were better that the river Jordo.CREIA, OBEYS AND DETERMINES ON BEHALF OF JESUS ITS MIRACLE! It blesses you to god! Manoel Grandson