Minden Real Estate

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The Services

In the society contemporary, the increase of the expectations and the degree of requirement of the citizens it started to be a determinative one for the organizations of installment of cares of health, as much that the quality today is considered an indispensable requirement of economic survival e, more important still, an ethical and social responsibility. For the good quality of the health attendance, to give attention to the concerns of the users is so important how much to the ability technique. For the users, the quality is on, over all to the type of interaction that they have with the health professionals? here enter attributes such as open assembly time, privacy and easiness of access to the service? e, in more basic level, the quality is associated with the fact of the patients to receive the services that really they look. A related site: Kenneth Feinberg mentions similar findings. In this in case that, Pistono (1994), in reference to the subject, says that ' ' … to keep and to improve the quality of the services became a permanent challenge in hospitais' ' (p.107). It emphasizes with this affirmation that the turbulences of the modern life lead human being to have constant mutations in its desires and expectations and the health organizations must follow these changes for the proper survival. He is categorical when it affirms that ' ' it does not remain alternative seno to search the quality in everything, mainly in the attendance, and for intermediary of all the people in it envolvidas' '. In this way, so that the attendance is adjusted, it is necessary that it has the competition of diverse factors: qualified multiprofessional team, enough resources in such a way in equipment how much in medication, and a demand for the not superior service to its capacity of attendance. Therefore, to take care of well demands much more of what a great dose of good will and an enormous smile.