The magic formula that found successful companies is to treat customers as guests and employees as individuals.Tom Peters introduction the key to the success of the support in any organization is the quality and productivity is an organization, public or private, profit-making or not, as well as systematically maintain comparative advantages that enable it to achieve, sustain, and improve a particular position on the socio-economic environment. The truth, which the companies must always be vigilant of the integration of markets function with regarding the management of production, be aware of the requirements of consumers of everything conducive to the company in the lawsuit, buys products that are manufactured. At this writing, we are entering the relevance, scope of the need to ensure a genuine integration of the markets with production function, this brought some aspects to be taken into account. General considerations the postgraduate programme of the speciality of management for quality and productivity, Faces, Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela, is concerned through the Chair of marketing, provide the necessary, basic knowledge for future specialists consider the importance, relevance, scope and impact of the performance of the function of marketing in the present with respect to his role with quality and productivity as well as that are taken into account the Basic, necessary information that will help the performance of the management of production processes and can thus determine the importance of how you should know to satisfy consumers according to the demand of the characteristics of products requiring them to meet your needs. It should not be forgotten that the term quality is widely used in the media business, political and socio-economic in general. This is due to enlargement of the framework of our economic agents that have gone from one auto protective attitude to a more open, expansive, proactive approach. Learn more on the subject from David Rogier. Quality and productivity, today, as a key to success within the Organization, have incidence in the form of raise and develop any business initiative, which is obviously causing an evolution in the model of business and entrepreneur. .