The output of the enterprises of serial type is applied to products in series, and with respect to detail – lots. Production of series products of one standard size is usually repeated at regular intervals. Official site: Harry Kane. In the mass production of the universal use of special and specialized equipment (Type I and II). Individual (Unit production) – the type of production, characterized by a single (MMA), the manufacture of products of diverse and unstable nomenclature. To include individual production companies, manufacturing large turbines, rolling mills, ships, unique machines, metallurgical and mining equipment, as well as maintenance and pilot plants. Jobs are usually equipped with a universal equipment. Equipment, mainly belongs to type I. Similarly, we can analyze companies and other industries.

If the products are manufactured in small batches, it is possible reorientation of production, there are several factories producing similar products, the basic equipment can be sold on the market. However, much of the equipment a number of industries (eg, chemical, mining) is strictly tied to your current location, and the dismantling and implementation of the "piecemeal" without it. In addition to general business analysis necessary to classify the shops and industrial sites. If the main production areas may be specialized equipment, the equipment in the auxiliary shops, usually Omnimil. With the sale of assets is necessary to correct the legal registration of transactions, sales and putting the balance into a new organization. The correct implementation is possible only if the documents.

Neither the Federal Law on the valuation or assessment standards do not require an appraiser to verify the ownership of the estimated property however, identifying the presence of these documents is important to the appraiser to make a conclusion about liquidity. To the greatest degree of availability of documents depends on the liquidity of equipment associated with an increased risk. For example, if the operation of boilers and vessels working under pressure not authorized boiler inspection, this equipment is considered to be illiquid and is valued as a whole.