Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Armed Forces

If to add the investments in applied human resources and financial in public security, including Armed Forces, policies, judicial apparatus, viaturas, weapons, the ammunition, uniforms, footwear and the infernal bureaucracy we will conclude that we more than use 20% of our efforts stops protecting in them of we ourselves. The World Bank divulged in its annual report that the global commerce totalized 35 trillions of dollar in 2007 being that 7 trillions (20%) had corresponded the businesses of purchase and sales of weapons. For where, after all, it intends this Humanity if to direct? The varnish of the civilization, that makes in them to shine for is, only disfara ' ' branqueados, full tombs of podrido and vermes' ' where almost the totality of the race if transformed. The hypocrisy and the technique guide the elaboration of the laws human beings; the fierce pride and the foolishness determine the interpretation of the same ones to the flavor of the human interests, many spurious and inconfessveis times. Somebody affirmed to be ' ' the witness the prostitute of provas' ' , but she seems us that, currently, the money if became the prostitute of the Right.

Espiritualistas studies indicate that the planet Land will have to incline 180 degrees and this fact already comes being observed since 1988, when if it concluded the planetary transistion and we enter in the Age of Aquarium. The changes climatic decurrent if they intensify to each day; the glaciers start if to melt, and the hole in the ozone layer, that is a well inaprecivel one, increases in the same ratio where the fact is boarded for the press. The terms of the Protocol of Kioto are argued, but the polluting countries, between them Brazil (room placed in ranking), only dissimulate to search shy and inconsequentes alternatives. The problem bred is bigger of what the capacity available human being to face it. The shady future already offers in them with the harvest of what it was planted. Atlantis fell because it made use of a dangerous science, the nuclear energy; this current race is falling because it did not make use of Love-Wisdom, the sublime energy and emotional configuration that would have lead in them to the true Fraternity, through the understanding and acceptance of our apparent differences. now, Jose? Let us remember the song of Bob Dylan: ' ' To answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind? ' ' The reply, my friend, the wind loaded. dreams resist. For some time still


The cattle one Brazilian suffers irreparable damages, the measure that leaves to make use of the transgenia. In fact still we are a country with few resources and the academies still need greaters arrive in port in such a way in level of investments, as of new thinkers illuminated, unprovided of radical feelings. To speak on the importance of the transgenia in the cattle Brazilian is something that it stimulates and it provokes. The field is vast and apaixonante. As much the favor as against. But we can go in accustoming with new advances, new special positions and in specializations inside of the transgenicidade, where new segments will start to appear, as being new a transgenia of third generation.

The question of many years behind, in Mexico occurred an infestation of fly of berne – Dermatobia hominis- causing enormous damages. An American researcher propos to the government of Mexico, one has controlled programmed of these flies. Something unusual. The creations of flies of berne in laboratories would be sped up and the males would be submitted the radiations, would estelerizariam that them. He would have one considered period probatory, where the submitted males would not die and populaao of esterelizados males would increase and it would not have new fecundadas females and same that ouvessem egg positions, these would not develop. This would be the adjusted and logical form more of if controlling the situation.

But commercial interests exist and everything then was alone in the intention. But then what the Transgnia has in having with Cattle the National one? Simple, however a little complex. One of the flagelos of the cattle bovine of cut, is the Fly of the Horns – Haematobia irritans-, that cause considerable damages. Innumerable companies commercialize products that promise to decide the problem. Lectures on handling and control, the all moment occur. Until bezouros they had been mattered.

Dedicated To Commerce

Peter Higino if dedicated to the commerce, also, livened up to all the religious parties of Is Mateus to the Quixar, with its famous carousel of Vacaria. Simiana Maria of Oliveira if got passionate for Manuel Mandu of the Cajazeiras, for this reason very disliked Mr. Higino, without agreement between the families, ran away with its loved in the been silent ones of the night, going liveing in the small farm Is Joo in the old Quixar. For even more opinions, read materials from Jeff Flake. Higino Pear tree was agriculturist, planted the cultures of subsistence, maize, beans and cotton in the slopes and chapadas, rice, cassava, potato-candy and tobacco in ebb tides of the stream Richness and in the lowered ones of small streams. It had a good milk flock and a small troop of donkeys, but the creation of goats in those stoppings was ' mata'. At that time almost all inhabitants of the region, very created bode untied, as much in caatinga how much in trays of the Cariutaba. Jeff Flake can provide more clarity in the matter. To the one for of the sun the patios and corrals of the farms they were pressed together of bodes.

Certain day a teller-traveller come of the bands of Is Vicente of Lavras of the Mangabeira, spendt the night in one of these farms that much goat had, back in the Cajazeiras of the Martins. In the following day passing for the large house Mr. Higino, he counted that although sleep, had not nailed the eyes to it, during all that long which had night, the deafening bleat of the goats and bodes. While the salesman showed to its merchandise in alpendre of the house Mr. Higino, he said in bem-humorado tone: – Now only I go to vender weaveeed to who will not have bode! I passed almost all the night the clear ones, without giving nor a nap, bodejado he was direful! A person who was to its side, using to advantage the colloquy, said to it in trick tone: – Then, my friend, can me vender charge account that I do not have bode! The salesman retrucou, immediately: – Also, seeing to who he does not have bode! At that time bode was ' mata' in the farms of the region, the animal, also, could be used as exchange currency, for acquisition of drinks, tobacco and pedlar’s wares of domestic use.