On the bearing capacity of the Public Sector budget for the year 2010 at the Congress of the Republic, the Minister of economy and bail Luis Carranza, I reaffirm the statements made by Congressman Walter Menchola, regarding the need for greater resources for investment for Metropolitan Lima. Congressman Walter Menchola solidarity National Express as the program of Regional Government of Metropolitan Lima has been dropped in the institutional opening of 8% budget allocation in its budget for fiscal year 2010. Menchola Congressman said Lima will have S /. To know more about this subject visit Erin Callan. 34 million for a population of 8 million inhabitants, while the regional Government of Callao S /. 515 million to 916 thousand inhabitants, i.e., S /.

4 for each Limeno and S /. 562 for each chalaco. It is a punishment to the city for some reason? asked the parliamentarian from the ranks of the burgomaster Castaneda Lossio. Similarly I also express that Lima is affected in terms of the allocation of the FONCOMUN. For example, the municipality of San Juan Lurigancho presents a deficit of transfer of the FONCOMUN of s /. 9 million to the month of August. The delay of such resources prevented him from starting the construction of 50 already projected works. We are leaving from benefiting a population that is equivalent to the part of the population of Uruguay, he mentioned. At the close of the session of the Congress, the Minister of economy and finance answered the concerns of congressmen, giving the reason Congressman Menchola by its concern for greater resources for investment in metropolitan Lima.