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SROs Building

As we see, with the introduction of self-construction monitoring system substantially liberalized. How will this affect the consumer? While self-regulatory system of construction is formed, will several more years. During these years, do not expect a dramatic improvement of construction quality. Understanding that the quality of work is an entrance ticket to the construction market, will not come to all the participants and not immediately. We emphasize that the delegation of an sro in the construction of control in some cases, in practice, does not work on a number of systemic causes.

For example, if an sro in the construction of the minimum number of participants (say, a little more than a hundred), then a cpo in order to maintain their legal status will strive to maintain the status quo on the number of its members, that is not interested in excluding them. In this case, the decision to exclude would be inconsistent, what is called 'instinct for self SROs in construction. " In addition, to decide to remove someone from the sro in the building, required the convening of general meeting of the sro and the vote (see article 16 of the Federal Act of 01.12.2007, N 315-FZ, and Part 3 Article 55.7 of the Town Planning Code). That is a question of exclusion is not as straightforward, and it is likely that even if the grounds for excluding it is resolved favorably. This decision depends from the views of most members of the sro. Nicholas Carr has compatible beliefs. Earlier, the question of revocation or suspension of a building permit was solved by administrative means (decision of the authorized public authority). As already noted, State delegate its functions to control the activities involved in the construction market in the sro in the building. What is this new control? sro approves internal regulations, such as requirements for issuing certificates of tolerance, rule of self-control rules in the field of self-regulatory system of disciplinary measures, standards, self-regulatory organizations.

These regulatory documents must adhere to all members of the sro in the building. Otherwise, violators could be excluded from the cpo, so – would lose access to the building market. It should be emphasized that if all of the previously licensed requirements for the state to the builders, were united, but now on this subject in every sro in the building may have its own individual ideas about control, its own policy. In some sro in the construction level control will be higher in others – below. There are certain patterns. For example, SROs, which is not enough members, will seek to weaken the control of that to recruit new members and to avoid excluding SROs in the construction of the state registry because of a shortfall. SROs, which consists of a large number of 'heterogeneous' companies may be interested in tightening their requirements and standards. The rationale for this – desire to clean up its ranks of 'building slag'. Thus, SROs in construction will reduce the risks associated with a decrease in the size of the compensation fund and the possible exception of the sro for this reason from the state registry. The most successful sro building at a certain stage of its development will take care of improving the quality of its members by all legal means.