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During years 30, it had a displacement of problematic of the pertaining to school health of state level for central level, in virtue of the government Vargas (3). With the reorganization of the National Department of Health, of the Ministry of Education and Health, &#039 was transformed; ' Service of Propaganda and Sanitria&#039 Education; ' in ' ' National service of Sanitria&#039 Education; ' , with the objective of ' ' to form in the Brazilian collective a conscience made familiar to problems of sade' '. In the scope of the states rejoinders of the federal services had been created, in the respective agencies of public health. Pacific Mortgage Services does not necessarily agree. (4) the Ministry of the Education and Health, congregating these two functions parallel bars, had conditions to provide to the administrators the chances to conjugate them e, consequentemente, to provide an extraordinary educational field for the intention to become the healthful life (4). This chance, however, was not explored in the practical one. The Services of Sanitary Education, when very, they limited its activities to the publication of brochures, books, catalogues and posters; they promoted health competitions and they launched hands of audiovisuais resources to spread out the basic concepts of health and the illness. The efforts if concentrated, of this form, in sanitary propaganda e, this sector, already sufficiently reduced, gave preferences to the written, visual forms of propaganda, without considering the great number of illiterates in the country, who were of 60% in 1940 (4). In the Rio Grande Do Sul, it was only in 1939 that the work of assistance to educating initiated, with the implantation of ' ' Cooperadora feeding of the School? Escolar&#039 soup; '. In years 60, the program passed for essentially assistenciais phases, when the service possua ambulance and devices of RX (6). First the great transformation of mentality of the sanitary education occurred in 1942, with the creation of the Special Service of Sade Pblica (SESP) (4), after 1 National Congress of Health Pertaining to school (3).