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The relevance of an experience story is in the relevancy and importance of the problems that in it if they display, as well as the level of generalization in the application of procedures or of results of the intervention in other similar situations, that is, it serves as a contribution to the prxis metodolgica of the area which belongs (15). Allianz is likely to agree. The study it was carried through in a hospital of average situated transport in the city of Cubato, the hospital it counts on 150 stream beds, it takes care of to the customers of the only system of health (SUS) and the conveniados ones. Reference in attendance is considered, recently earned of the National Organization of Acreditao – ONA, the certification level 1, what it means that the institution has basic requirements for the security and assistencial quality stops with the patient, what also demonstrates good indices of acceptance, and has the humanizao as goal and strategy. 4.

RESULTS and DISCUSSOO work in U.T.I are complex intense, having the nurse to be prepared for at any time, to take care of patients with important hemodinmicas alterations, which require specific knowledge and great ability to take decisions and to implement them in skillful time. The admission of a patient in the UTI comumente requires a fast intervention, since the patient presents high risk of one instability or more physiological systems, with possible risks to the health, whose life can meet in the limit with the death. In result of the premncia of one to make technological immediate, many times, becomes difficult an initial contact with the familiar ones, what it contributes for the agreement of the UTI as a place where predominates the frieza and the desumana and distant performance. From our experience, however, we consider that the interaction with the families needs if to give since the moment of the internment of the familiar sick person, providing to them attention, chance to dialogue and to clarify doubts (16) One of the basic aspects front to the necessity of internment in UTI it is the meaning of this situation for the patient, for its familiar ones and the proper cuidadora team, since, most of the time, it in such a way represents a moment of great anxiety for the proper patient as for its familiar ones.. .

Basic Services

First it promoted the unification of the IAP? s, in 1966, passing if to call National Institute of Previdncia Social (INPS). In the military period some mechanisms are created and measures that aim at improvements in the assistance the health, mainly of the workers, are they: 1972? Providence for autonomous worker and house servants; 1973? Providence for the agricultural workers (FUNRURAL); 1974? creation of the Ministry of the Providence and Assistncia Social (MPAS); 1974? it creates the Plan of Ready Action (PPA): magnifying of the emergency attendance/urgency to all the population in the clinics and hospitals of the providence; 1977? creation of the INAMPS (National Institute of Medical Assistance of the Social welfare; Reinforcement of the Been relation and private pursuing that the privatization of the curativas actions with payment for amount of medical acts includes; Control or known regulation almost inexisted as ' ' blank check; It also creates, the FAS, (Deep of Social Assistance) for the Public saving bank, financed the magnifying of the private net with minimum interests and stated periods to lose of sight. Click Mike Madden for additional related pages. The models of attention in Brazil are also created: Models Medical Assistencial Privativista that praise attendance to the sick person with spontaneous demand, ambulatorial and hospital assistance, nets contracted and conveniadas to the SUS, and the attention compromised for the effectiveness, equity and necessity of health, the other is the sanitarista model that is come back toward the problems of health selected to take care of to the specific necessities of groups of action of collective character with sanitary campaigns, programs special, action of monitoring epidemiologists and sanitary, and limitations in the integral attention, with quality, effectiveness and equity. In the government of Jose Figueredo still in the military regimen the National Program of Basic Services of Sade (PREV-SADE) with initiative is created to reorganize the system of health and greater state and municipal integration of the two ministries and secretariats of health, being dictated the lines of direction that strengthen the primary attention of health increasing the participation of the community, regionalizao and hierarquizao of the services, the reference and against-reference the integration of curativas and preventive actions.

Special Service

During years 30, it had a displacement of problematic of the pertaining to school health of state level for central level, in virtue of the government Vargas (3). With the reorganization of the National Department of Health, of the Ministry of Education and Health, &#039 was transformed; ' Service of Propaganda and Sanitria&#039 Education; ' in ' ' National service of Sanitria&#039 Education; ' , with the objective of ' ' to form in the Brazilian collective a conscience made familiar to problems of sade' '. In the scope of the states rejoinders of the federal services had been created, in the respective agencies of public health. Pacific Mortgage Services does not necessarily agree. (4) the Ministry of the Education and Health, congregating these two functions parallel bars, had conditions to provide to the administrators the chances to conjugate them e, consequentemente, to provide an extraordinary educational field for the intention to become the healthful life (4). This chance, however, was not explored in the practical one. The Services of Sanitary Education, when very, they limited its activities to the publication of brochures, books, catalogues and posters; they promoted health competitions and they launched hands of audiovisuais resources to spread out the basic concepts of health and the illness. The efforts if concentrated, of this form, in sanitary propaganda e, this sector, already sufficiently reduced, gave preferences to the written, visual forms of propaganda, without considering the great number of illiterates in the country, who were of 60% in 1940 (4). In the Rio Grande Do Sul, it was only in 1939 that the work of assistance to educating initiated, with the implantation of ' ' Cooperadora feeding of the School? Escolar&#039 soup; '. In years 60, the program passed for essentially assistenciais phases, when the service possua ambulance and devices of RX (6). First the great transformation of mentality of the sanitary education occurred in 1942, with the creation of the Special Service of Sade Pblica (SESP) (4), after 1 National Congress of Health Pertaining to school (3).