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Slimming The Smart Diet

Slimming the smart diet slimming the smart diet.There are countless diets to lose weight, all of them represent all different types of sacrifice and offer immediate, although to some extent are visible results, long-term results are reversed and, worse still, increases twice the weight that had reduced the first time. Taking into account this fact, some experts suggest that the best diet is one that eats up everything, but in small amounts. And this is a fatal error, since this leads to the combination of foods such as milk, meat, starches, fats and sugar, which eventually leads to excess weight and a series of health disorders. How to eat smart is an alternative diet to lose weight with all existing systems and whose proposal is simple: know which foods combine in the same meal and how to choose food with fewer calories. However, to understand how the smart diet you officer is necessary to know and understand how it is the art of eating and the mechanism of digestion. The importance of digestion the true art of eating is completely digest food, to assimilate all the nutrients, including amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

For this reason, the body separates food into simpler components. The entire process is called digestion and is done through the digestive organs. During the tour that follows the food from your mouth up to the intestine into contact with substances called enzymes that break down in increasingly smaller parts, to get the nutrients in the form that the body can absorb them for this reason are essential for life. In our body, there are many digestive enzymes, each with specific action. Thus, we have enzymes to digest starch, others that capture the proteins and others able to separate the fatty. Each enzyme requires special conditions of acidity to act with maximum efficiency. The body is willing to provide these conditions in the different organs involved in digestion, according to the type of food in question.