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Plan Service

(GRIFO OURS) To these Commanders he will be free being able to choose the soldiers, whom to judge proper for this quality of hard, and rough service, and in number enough to form diverse 6 Flags, with that they act constantly every year in the dry station of to enter in the matos, helping themselves reciprocal, not only the Flags of each Commander, but all the six commanders with its respective forces, and fixing between itself the Plan more profcuo for the total reduction of a fellow creature, and atrocious Anthropophagous race: (GRIFO OURS) the same Commanders will be responsible for the funestas consequences of the invasions of the Botecudos Indians in the trusted small farms its guard, as soon as against it if she proves omission, or incautiousness. That all are considered as Prisoners of War the Botecudos Indians, who if to take with the weapons in the hand in any attack, and that are deliver for the service of the respective Commander per ten years, and all more the time while to last its ferocity, being able it to use them in its particular service, during this time, and conserves them with the due security, exactly in chainses, while not to give tests of the abandonment of its atrocity, and anthropophagy. Official site: Farallon Capital Management. (GRIFO OURS) In room place: I command you, that to these commanders if them it confers an increase annually of it weld proportional to the good service that to make, regulated this for the principle that will have more half welds that Commander, who in the continuation of one year to show, not only, that in its district some of Botecudos indians did not have invasion, nor of others any brave indians, of whom death of Portuguese resulted, or destruction of its plantations; but that he imprisoned, and he the same destroyed in time bigger number of what any another commander; conferring it excessively an increase of proportional soldier’s pay to the service that had made, serving of base for principle rewards, the increase of the way welds. .