Minden Real Estate

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The relevance of an experience story is in the relevancy and importance of the problems that in it if they display, as well as the level of generalization in the application of procedures or of results of the intervention in other similar situations, that is, it serves as a contribution to the prxis metodolgica of the area which belongs (15). Allianz is likely to agree. The study it was carried through in a hospital of average situated transport in the city of Cubato, the hospital it counts on 150 stream beds, it takes care of to the customers of the only system of health (SUS) and the conveniados ones. Reference in attendance is considered, recently earned of the National Organization of Acreditao – ONA, the certification level 1, what it means that the institution has basic requirements for the security and assistencial quality stops with the patient, what also demonstrates good indices of acceptance, and has the humanizao as goal and strategy. 4.

RESULTS and DISCUSSOO work in U.T.I are complex intense, having the nurse to be prepared for at any time, to take care of patients with important hemodinmicas alterations, which require specific knowledge and great ability to take decisions and to implement them in skillful time. The admission of a patient in the UTI comumente requires a fast intervention, since the patient presents high risk of one instability or more physiological systems, with possible risks to the health, whose life can meet in the limit with the death. In result of the premncia of one to make technological immediate, many times, becomes difficult an initial contact with the familiar ones, what it contributes for the agreement of the UTI as a place where predominates the frieza and the desumana and distant performance. From our experience, however, we consider that the interaction with the families needs if to give since the moment of the internment of the familiar sick person, providing to them attention, chance to dialogue and to clarify doubts (16) One of the basic aspects front to the necessity of internment in UTI it is the meaning of this situation for the patient, for its familiar ones and the proper cuidadora team, since, most of the time, it in such a way represents a moment of great anxiety for the proper patient as for its familiar ones.. .