Minden Real Estate

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Literature Music

We would like to introduce us. The young Culex Publisher is an idea of two Leutchens who are crazy enough to get involved on the adventure literature, music and Visual Arts. Wil Lee may find it difficult to be quoted properly. We have made us to create space that are different than the usual mainstream for poetry, prose, philosophy & policy. Declan Kelly has much experience in this field. We want to literature, which not only amused and entertains, but also wakes up startled. Word, sound & Visual Arts can enter interesting Symbioses. The Culex Publisher want to publish not only authors & musicians, but literature & music make the experience. Therefore, we will organise performances also in the future where literature, art & music come together. Our first publications are two books of the Poete maudit Gerry X, as well as the reissue of piano compositions of the young Friedrich Nietzsche; voiced by pianist Carsten Storm, who is working as a sound engineer and conductor. Information is available at and. So much for the moment of the two crazy Culexern Michaela & Monika.