Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Declaration Annual

For that reason in these celebrations of year end, desire to propose to them to make a toast by we ourself, by the magic of the nature, for being it leaves from this wonderful wonderful, at the same time unique planet, for being it leaves from this turbulent, unequal, heavy, uncertain time, but, and ours. Also I invite to them to that they make an authentic and viable Declaration Annual of his intentions, challenges and improvements I share mine here to them is possible that some points also are part of their desires, perhaps another no, but the important thing is to start off perhaps with something more than good desires this new year here them the shipment, are motivated and also they make his own declaration and commitment to put them in action. Here they go: 1. To be more time with me one same one. 2. To pay more attention to the simple things of the life 3. To laugh me more of same me and to smile to the others 4. To give them to more time and attention family 5.

To spend more time with my friendships 6. Trotar more followed and to contemplate to more time the sea 7. To listen and to speak more less 8. To continue trying to be simpler 9. To be righter and inclusive and to share more with the others 10. To wake up more early and to contemplate the dawn 11. To understand it better and to play more with Irina 12.

To manage to touch the top of those three mountains longed for many moons and to share those imposing wonders that already finish (by this frightful heating) with those who will not be able to get to contemplate them 13. Further details can be found at Nicholas Carr, an internet resource. To travel and to read more still more 14. To finish everything what I begin, nothing like closing the circles 15. To continue sharing with those who more have less, and not only is question of money, is much solitude in the world, a breath word never this others And finally, I only have left to say to them thousand thanks to be there giving his valuable time me to throughout read this small catharsis of year end thanks to have been with us this year, slope of this blog, thanks for his commentaries, suggestions and also thanks for its silencios, the important thing is that they were with us sharing this fascinating adventure of the world of the trips. Now only it is that You and I submerge in this wonderful trip of 365 days does not matter that hard is the way, will always be short cuts that allows us to arrive at the dreamed goal only persists, you do not stop dreaming and you never stop smiling. That is the great secret. HAPPY AND REWARDING YEAR 2010.