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Chinese Countries

> situation of the two main ' ' pares' ' of producers she is sufficiently distinct. While Lbia and Algeria are located between best the IDHs of the continent, Nigria and Angola present low levels and suffer with serious internal conflicts (Angola lives in recent years in peace state, what it becomes the forecasts most optimistical). The only wire that really joins these countries is the strong economic competition involving China and U.S.A., both investors heavy of the continent (India, another developing country, also invests, however in less expressive way). Depending on the circumstances, this competition can be healthful for Africa. In the Lybian, country where the poverty level is low in comparison the neighboring countries, the force of the State and the relative consistency of the economy hinders that the strong investments American (and now Chinese) place the country under foreign yoke and at the same time they guarantee that the international contracts are fulfilled. In Algeria, where China still has difficulties to penetrate, the situation is similar, despite U.S.A.

has military bases installed in the country. For the subsaarianos countries, the situation is more complex. The Nigria is a sufficiently illustrative example: involved in internal conflicts, marked for the poverty and the fragility of the national economy, it can come to become an easy target for the foreign domain. For however, as much the Nigria how much other subsaarianos countries come coming close itself to China, using to advantage itself of the Chinese position of assisting in the reconstruction of the continent (at the same time where it occupies its space in the African market). In the 2004, growth of the commerce between China and Africa it was of impressive 50%, what offshore by chance proves not to be the recent decision of the Chinese to inject two billion dollar in Angola for the infrastructure construction.

Although the expressive production, the consumption of oil of the African countries is almost insignificant. It has few refineries in Africa with its prices ‘ ‘ tradicionalmente’ ‘ basses increase of the fleet and, consequently, the consumption of derivatives). The increase of the world-wide fleet of vehicles tends to grow, and this is only one of the ramifications of market to be explored from the African oil. A trend that if can point from the African question is the maintenance of the raised quotations of the oil. This trend could be braked if the world-wide production and the discovery of new reserves they came to increase considerably, but these are situations that do not only depend on questions techniques and objective. Everything will depend in fact on intercontinental geopolitics, to each more complex day. Mauro Kahn & Peter N3obrega – Club of the Oil – Reads other articles and first of this series having access site