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Allergy To Fragrance – If Smells Of Health Harm

Many creams and skin care products contain allergens that can lead to allergic reactions up to asthma what is unaware of many that even perfumes can trigger an allergy. Has the body once allergic to a substance, remembers the immune system and triggers a reaction again at the next contact with this substance. The probably most problematic scents seem cinnamon oil, clove, oakmoss and Balsam of Peru. Who wants to go sure, can migrate to natural fragrance-free cosmetics. Allergies are a burden on affected parties. Partly, they can restrict not only the quality of life, but even become a real danger for the health.

What many do not realize is that even perfumes can trigger an allergy. Essential oils and their micro materials are the reason. The probably most problematic scents seem cinnamon oil, clove, oakmoss and Balsam of Peru. Irritation of the skin, itching and burning are often the first symptoms of an allergy. But why has you even allergic to fragrances? The human immune system is designed to protect the body.

Also immune responses include this protection, if impurities, bacteria or viruses Act on the body. It also chemical additives used in creams and care products from the body can be recognized as foreign. The intruder is reversed and the immune system triggers an allergic reaction. The aim is that the body feels sick. Has the body once allergic to a substance, remembers the immune system and triggers a reaction again at the next contact with this substance. Unfortunately comparatively little is known so far about the effects of fragrances on health and the environment. Fragrances can be ingested through breathing and spread over the bloodstream throughout the body. Also it is assumed that some of these fragrance substances through the skin can be absorbed. What makes it not easier the potential allergy sufferers is the fact that There is no clear declaration obligation for fragrance-containing products. As a self-test, you can for three days on the inside of the forearm apply the new cosmetic and watch if irritation occurs. No irritation should occur, it is relatively safe well with this product. Who wants to go sure, can migrate to natural fragrance-free cosmetics. Fragrances can even cause asthma also asthma can belong to the reactions of allergy. In addition to the skin, the mucous membranes and respiratory tract may be tempted therefore also. Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract.

The result is a permanent hypersensitivity, which exists as a result of increased secretion of mucus, cramps the bronchial muscles and formation of edema of bronchial mucous membrane respiratory way narrowing. Why can’t from a harmless ‘ allergy be asthma? An allergic inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the Nasen-Rachen-Raums can spill over in the course of time also on the lower respiratory tract. There, asthma can be triggered. To Start is at first an allergen in the Center. After several years, it is however common to a broadening of the spectrum of trigger. An avoidance of allergens becomes increasingly difficult, so partly for some patients even impossible. The contribution of “many creams and skin care products contain allergens that can lead to allergic reactions up to asthma” provided all the information for the present press release. First, the article on the blog health portal has been published.