Post increase in car insurance that the economy is apparently better, can be read off at the time among other things to the insurance industry. The German Insurance Association (GDV) announced an increase of 4.7 percent at his year’s annual press conference for the year 2010. The finance portal reported how the insurance industry in particular has developed. Contact information is here: Nicholas Carr. At the annual press conference of the President of the GDV, Rolf-Peter Hoenen, explained that attributable to the positive developments mainly in so-called single-premium life insurance. This involves high amounts that are paid once instead of monthly contributions.

Should this revenue decline in the coming year, growth was going back so appropriately. Car insurers were able to achieve in the current year a more predictable growth. Many vendors increase their contributions this year. Especially a car insurance for new customers is then significantly more expensive. This will in the future, for example, when a Particularly noticeable change of vehicle. Altogether, the contributions of the car insurers in comparison to the previous year to four percent are increased. But it is the rise in the first since 2005.

Particularly, the life insurance benefited from the premium growth. They increased by 6.8 percent and total totaled 91 billion euros. Also the private health insurers recorded a strong growth. Expect the health insurance premium income amounting to EUR 33.4 billion, what a plus means of six percent. More information:… GmbH Lisa Neumann