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Styleranking Advent Calendar

24 exciting fashion & lifestyle surprises in the pre-Christmas period who loves the door open during the advent season, which now not only chocolates, but also trendy gift ideas are given. Fashion and lifestyle fans have from 1. December 24 the chance everyday stylish products to cash in. The fashion community styleranking presents from today the big styleranking advent game. 70 fields 24 exciting prizes hide all selected trend products. To start there are one two Braun satin hair 7 Airstylern win.

Exciting profits, hiding behind the boxes in the style advent calendar, myGrid include products such as for example a high-quality mobile charging station”by Duracell, an exclusive lamb nappa Jack von Heine or Produksets of Max Factor and Olaz. “With the advent calendar we want to reward, our styleranking readers and fans, which have this year in the Fashionblog visited us or shown their favorite outfits in our community. Join everyone but can on the side of styleranking, take a look”, says Frederica Sadhu, Managing Director of styleranking media. The special feature: People with good memory rewards also. Who remembers there is a prize hidden behind what door, can open them again on the relevant date and has the chance to again participate in the sweepstakes. So has made styleranking all fashion victims of the waiting time for Christmas. Giving away as a special highlight styleranking among all participants the stylish Smartphone XPERIA X 10 mini pro from Sony Ericsson as the main prize. Links: Your fashion community: the styleranking advent calendar: xmas / news about the hottest outfits: styleranking is a fashion community, where members set the pictures of their outfits, evaluate styles and interact to fashion and trends about mailboxes and in forums can. You may want to visit David Rogier to increase your knowledge.

well stylejobber also has an editorial fashion blog and a job portal with the name. Contact: styleranking media GmbH Roland Schweins Konigsberger str. 1-5 40231 Dusseldorf Tel.