Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry


Also take into account professional like LinkedIn or Xing social networks, as well as the internal social network that the company handles, if applicable. Blogging tools whose most widely used platforms to the date are WordPress and Blogger/Blogspot. As the number one microblogging networks in these moments, Twitter and its related services (long tweets, short urls, pictures, video on demand, streaming video via streaming, among others). In the case of on-demand videos: YouTube, and video streaming transmission: Justin.tv. Photo Gallery: Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa; documents or presentations: Scribd and SlideShare. Hear from experts in the field like Michael Barnier for a more varied view. Google tools are also very useful. The suite of Google Apps (Gmail (with Gtalk), Docs, Calendar, Groups, Sites, Videos); for advertising and marketing Google Adsense and Google Adwords; Geography and geolocation: Google Earth (with Panoramio), Google Maps (with StreetView) and FourSquare; web traffic statistics: Google Analytics; business analysis: Google Places, tracking and web indexing: Google Webmasters; searches, searches in real time, and searching blogs: Google Search, Google RealTime and Google Blogsearch; trends: Google Trends; and other services already mentioned as a Blogger/Blogspot, Picassa, and YouTube. Other tools, such as SocialMention, HowSociable and Addict-o-matic, which allow you to track what consumers/users are saying / talking about a topic, product, person, or service specifically in the different spheres of social media even, some allow you to create alerts.

They also Radian6, Lithium Social Media Monitoring and Social Media Marketing Analysis Tools – Smmart, payment platforms, which allow monitoring of digital reputation and similar tasks. The community manager must be aware that social media that are in vogue in these moments don’t necessarily may be later, so, as already mentioned, must be attentive to the trends that allow him or find new spaces social media or find new tools that allow you to monitor them. Some cases of good and bad practice practice makes perfect, recites the saying and this job profile is no exception. .