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Road Safety Association

Eng. Mario Holguin of 21st century Spaniards seek to establish a new institutional inter-country called Ibero-American order, but they do it in the best sense of the word, therefore, on this occasion what is transfer their experiences of implementation of good practices of public security policies road with the intention of preserving the life of roads in America.ha been comforting users sharing criteria in that order with the representatives of the various nations of speaking under the guidance, direction and sponsorship of the Spanish Kingdom through the General Directorate of Transito.saber who has been with great effort in time and resources, the idea of creation of an Ibero-American Road Safety Association to the more senior agencies dirigenciales of economic, political and social life of the region constitutes a breath of welfare in the fight for the reduction of violence or siniestralidades of transit.Experts from across Latin America and the Caribbean are they meet regularly to discuss and to maintain certain information in effect to be of interest to their Governments on the issue.Indeed, the Summit of Heads of State and Government to be held at the end of this month of October, represents the beginning of a new stage in the Spanish conquest of America.The Ibero-American General Secretariat will be responsible for directing the work for the preparation of the regional plan for road safety, which undoubtedly will also be the cornerstone to consider the matter on the agenda of the Member States in thereafter.Spain, with the persuasion of the word and consensus, has been able to attract capital importance in most of the authorities of the new world. However, should recognize that it has been product of a process of years still not concluded.Establish common, principle and institutional parameters, between the countries of the region, is a goal outlined by the precursors of the idea.Decrease the statistics of tragedy in the streets, avenues and highways based performances viable and convincing; in the imposition of drastic measures, including formal education and the requirement of respect for traffic laws, are clear objectives that we assume all those with a certain degree of responsibility in Government decision making.Deaths and wounded the vials siniestralidades at as high index products, are of enormous concern about the effects that leave its sequels in society and particularly in the families directly touched.. .