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Property Model Construction

In a study done to model presidio barracks today elementary school: Conrado Benitez, carried out the analysis and diagnosis, as well as the actions on the slabs from roofs of that installation. The current state of the building is regular, but with an intervention in the short, medium and long term can consolidate and perpetuate itself for future generations. The work has historical value, architectural, its current use is social, and the century of construction is the 20th century. Works like this one monumental character, but in the case of the work of study, it permeated him a seal of horror to the inmates and the entire population Pinera was built during the Government of Gerardo Machado (1925-1933), which speeded up and carried out. Identified as the Panopticon, most modern in Latin America, work was the more advanced for its time, in terms of building techniques, and to its conception as a work of architecture. With the concept of applying a rehabilitation to return its useful life, It is necessary to apply the phase of action, in the case of Subfloors that are reinforced at an early stage, and then medium-term concrete, converting large classrooms, in smaller spaces (capacity of 20 students).

Action in the mezzanine consist of: stock repair, reconstruction, and design as well as security. In the work were filled with all tabs of inspection of the CENCREM (national centre of conservation and restoration of monuments), which shows an overview with the deterioration factors. He was a preliminary diagnosis by structural levels, analyzing each element, pathology, possible causes, and an Integration summarizing these causes and pathologies by levels. The characteristics of the lesion presented in much of mezzanines and deck slabs, is very characteristic of this type of construction of reinforced concrete roofs and consists in the abofamiento and deterioration in many cases in the detachment of the concrete coating being in the latter case, the steel reinforcement at sight, almost always corroded.