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Prince Machiavelli

Machiavelli said that the forms of classification of Plato and Aristotle were the same, but only changed the way to judge them. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Pacific Mortgage Services. His book the Prince is so important, because it is of the first authors to talk of the importance of public opinion because if the people were not happy, they could overthrow the Principality. The Prince must have the qualities of power, strength, charisma and virtue, and if you do not have them; at least pretend them.Passing the time, arrive Hobbes who in his book Leviathan would talk about the need to have a balance of powers. He would also speak of the modern concept of the State which has sovereignty with a civil society. It is implied about the natural law on the basis of what is right and what is wrong. Locke would be who talk more regarding the separation of an executive power, one legislative and Judicial, one being against that power has more power over another.

This serves to protect citizens rights against the absolutism. Then theorists already before mentioned, and others we can divide them so: Plato and Aristotle spoke of the City-States. Polybius would then talk about the mixed cities. Cicero would speak of the right and also the other Roman jurists. Then the patristic would talk of God. It would be time then speak of monarchies and the Prince Machiavelli. Then Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau and Hobbes would come to talk about the Estado.Ya have given us account of the great way that has changed the political thinking of the State and other forms of Government, is a time to get us to think about the questions that may be putting in doubt any of the following modelos.Como, for example: what if you put at risk the nation-State?, what happen with individuals when in the nation-State is outside its powers in order to control the situation that happens?, what type of aspects can affect the State nation?The crisis of the nation-State and the economy: put a key point on the table: the crisis of the State nation when the world economy changes and the role of the nation-State and his power that is at stake.