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Business & Peer Networks

Probably there are very few Internet users who do not know about the free services of IP-telephony Skype. Indeed, why pay for telephone calls when you can talk for free? Skype – This is one example successful use of peer networks in business and everyday life. What is it – peer network? Another name – P2P network or peer-to-peer, which translates as "equal to equal." Peer network – a network of Internet provides a direct connection with the transfer of files between clients without intermediaries. It is for these services, whether we like it or not, the future of the Internet. Not even the specialist can see that now used in the Internet FTP Archive is not enough bandwidth, they can not cope with the flow of information and a growing number of consumers. Many popular servers are overloaded and the simultaneous appeal to him many clients causes problems in obtaining information. P2P networks have a number of advantages: a broad band passing of information, a high "survival" and greater opportunities for publication content.

To understand how peer networks, we must consider the history of their creation. By the mid 90-ies of the 20th century, a young internet having this same problem as now – the communication channels was not enough bandwidth for transferring large programs, especially musical recordings, just born in format MP3. Out of the situation found 18-year-old student Shawn Fanning. He invented a system called Napster. Any user is represented in the Napster network of information about its existing Files that were entered into the database along with the address of the computer.