Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Unmask Person

Soon reflection: Yesterday I heard history interesting of person that entered in the list of the RH to be dismissed in 30 days, and as superior for other reasons asked for resignation before expiration of these 30 days, person that not yet wise person (and nor he arrived namely) that he was in the cut listing was promoted in position, wage and benefits, and still would have been with better conditions that the person of the previous position This week also I heard that another person who little knows abundantly in theory and, that speaks excessively without knowing, to practically be commissioner for an account where it made the indication and contacts, in an incredible combination to know people with luck, and not effectively to have worked as the verb requires, and then I saw me reformulating stony concepts as: ' ' Fondness to be successful without working hard is as to want spoon without plantar' ' or ' ' The only place in the world where the success comes before the work is in dicionrio.' ' Clearly that both people in the examples above have its values, and fancy they had had a way interesting beirando the bias of the common one but I come back some proper experiences and also I remember myself earning very in occasions that the work was without apparent largeness or extension and the precious lesson that shot of that is that to work still it is vital; to know still is very important, to have enthusiasm for what it becomes, determinative; to believe the importance of its work, recompensador for proper itself. but we must accept that some times, the life will take routes and rhythms that we will be able until finding odd, but that they will be part of our life or histories of the others We do not need infuriating in them with the situation for perceiving apparent ' ' moleza' ' that it was I repeat: the life is one all, not only these events that we see. Nicholas Carr has much experience in this field. we go in front. let us think for the better good and of all, although these curious and inexplicable contrasts! It believes: the joy is not in these things. It is in us! Ana Luiza ' ' Everything, before being easy, is difcil.' ' (Thomas Fuller)