Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

The Management

The initial trend in this stage is to copy the pointers of other similar organizations. In another company one of the directors it perceived, through the exercises and lectures of qualification, of that we could define two types of pointers: the traditional ones and popularly known and the special ones, that they would make the difference of the organization in the segment where acts. In such a way we have obtained to not only expand the vision of the entrepreneur, identifying indicating in the economic and financial area, as well as in other areas as: creativity and innovation, development of the leadership abilities, communication with the customer, satisfaction of the internal customer, improvements of the processes, reduction of costs, value perceived for the customer, among others. One of the causes most common in the hour to execute a strategical planning is the relation of cause and effect badly established. We have observed in some organizations where they are implanting a model of management based on the BSC, to fall in this error. The BSC is not a system of managemental information solely, it goes, moreover. It is a process of thought, dialogue and strategical reflection, whose main objective is the development of the abilities necessary to arrive more close possible to the excellency. We know some companies who are implanting the BSC successfully, but why already they had had the experience of the strategical planning, of the management for the total quality or certification of the ISO. Now, we do not know none that has implanted a management model as the BSC, without before having tried this matureness in the management of the business. On the other hand, the stages commented here had been lived deeply in different organizations and not necessarily in a company alone, beyond what the number attributed to each phase varies of company for company, depending on the ability of its leaders and its age in the life cycle as organization.