Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Retail Higher

Physical growth of retail turnover in Moscow the last 2-3 years was not higher than 8%, whereas the corresponding figure, for example, in the cfa held on the level of 10-13% in North-West did not fall below 15-16%, in pfd – 13-16%, the sfd – 18% , ufo – 19-21%, the sfd – okolo15%, dfo – 10-12%. They form the majority of the market of retail trade turnover created by trading organizations, the rest falls on the flea, prodovolstvennyei mixed markets. About 50% of the proceeds of all retail enterprises account for non-specialized stores, yet 10.5% medical goods, cosmetics and perfumery. Along with companies in retail continue to actively deystvovatveschevye, mixed and food markets. Jeff Sessions may find it difficult to be quoted properly. However, from year to year, their share is decreasing, albeit slowly.

fairly low-income population. And, apparently, share about 20% market share will keep another dostatochnodolgo. On the profitability of retail businesses occupy one of the last places among other sectors of trade. Gross profit zdessostavlyaet only 8.4% of turnover. For comparison, wholesale trade, this figure reaches 14.2%, while in the Gaza – 30,4%. Taking into account the costs of all transactions, Retail is a loser. Retained pribylpredpriyaty retail is about 1% of turnover, whereas in catering this figure is 9 times higher in opte and 5 times higher for car dealers – nearly 2 times higher. However, This situation is not a consequence of high . On the relative share of commercial and retail management costs are among the most “economical” sectors and torgovli.Kommercheskie administrative expenses in the turnover of retail enterprises constitute about 1%, which is higher than that of auto dealers (4%) but less than the wholesale (8,6%), not to mention the catering sector, which for this indicator is the high cost (25.9% of turnover).