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Latin American Economy

' ' If the deceleration of the economy to continue for much time, until the banks of Latin America podres.&#039 goes to load asset; ' It fears that the deepening of the crisis submits financial institutions that today show health, as the similar Brazilians, pressures to faced for the American banks with the problems in the real estate market and the increase of the insolvency. ' ' It is not the case today, but this is one possibilidade' ' , it affirmed. The director of the Deep one said that the world will not leave the contraction while the rich United States and other countries not to obtain to cover the holes found in the accounting of the banks and to stabilize the financial system, allowing that it comes back to extend offer of credit. Results divulged in the last weeks had indicated that some of the biggest American banks had come back to give profit in the first trimester, but have doubts on the capacity that will have to repeat the performance in the next months. ' ' Financial institution giving profit does not want to say that the credit distribution came back to normal' ' , it said. ' ' The efforts of the governments had not yet been enough to unlock crdito.' ' Brazil then.The forecasts of the Deep one for Brazil are well more pessimistic of what the made ones for the government and many Brazilian banks. The last report of the Central banking on the evolution of the inflation, published in March, foresaw an expansion of 1,2% in this year.

The banks they wait a contraction of 0,49%, according to average of the projections collected for the BC last week. In the evaluation of the FMI, the impact of the crisis he has been subestimado for the government and the Brazilian banks. The economists of the Deep one believe that the shocks provoked for the existing problems in the advanced economies are being transmitted for the emergent markets with more force of what observing with a less including vision of the global economy they are capable of perceber.' ' He is not that Brazil is particularly fraco' ' , the director-aid of the department of research of the FMI, Charles Collyns said, in an interview where the economists of the institution had presented the new edition of its semester report on global the economic scene.